
by Leela1 40 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Leela1

    Hello all I am fairly new to this site even though I have been DA since I was 16 years old I am now 35 years old. I have had very little contact with my family since I left maybe a handful of times over the years. I thought I put the past behind me and moved on I have 4 amazing kids of my own really supportive partner and great friends who have become my family. However, through FB I have learned from an old family friend that my Dad who is now in his 70`s is very ill and is getting closer to passing away. I have major issues with my Dad way more than with any other member of my family. My apologies this will be a long post I really have no one who understands what I went through. Some background my Dad is an Elder and was an elder as I was growing up. My Dad was very strict JW on the extreme side followed every belief to the core and expected us to follow as well. I was baptized very young at 13 (my parents both pressured me) I remember growing up always feeling pressure from my dad to be the perfect JW daughter and I could never be good enough. After my baptism the expectations of perfection increased I couldn’t live up to it and I started to fade and over the next 2 years from 14-16 I gradually stopped going to meetings and quit filed service. I remember telling my parents that I couldn’t do it anymore I was not going to anymore meetings my dad looked me in the eye and told me if I didn’t go than I would be treated like a DF person in the home. They couldn’t kick me out they were still responsible for me until I was 18 but they could still start shunning me. From that day forward my Dad stopped talking to me unless he really had to and ordered the rest of the family to do so. I was not allowed to eat at the table with my family (as the bible teaches to not break bread with sinners) I would come down get my food and go eat it alone in my room. I was shunned in my home before I even left no one in my family barely talked to me for almost 2 years only talked to me when they had to or to make sure my physical needs were taken care of. Needless to say after almost 2 years of this treatment I suffered an episode of major depression and unfortunately when I was 16 I tried to end my life but taking a few bottles of pills. At the time I really felt like my life was over I saw no way out. My mom had fortunately found me the next morning when I didn’t get up for school. I was unconscious but I was rushed to the hospital and they revived me and I stayed in a psychiatric unit for 2 weeks. When I was released it was mandatory that my parents take me to my weekly appointment with my psychiatrist. I attended these sessions until I turned 18 and I can say that my psychiatrist saved my life. Unfortunately my family never came around and my Dad increased his negative manipulation of me after my suicide attempt and during my treatment. My dad never came to the hospital to see me (only my mom and she always came with an Elder) and when I came back from the hospital he told me that I would have to go to a judicial hearing because of my suicide attempt and was angry at me because my behavior might have caused him to lose his eldership. My dad really thought that I was demonized and told me often of that fact. We went from barely talking to him telling me daily that I was demonized. The day I was supposed to go for my Judicial hearing to find out if I would be DF because of my suicide attempt I was rescued by an amazing non JW friend and her family who moved me into their home and let me live with them until I was 18. I really think that had I went to the Judicial Committee the stress of it may have pushed me further into mental illness and I may have ended my life.

    So the point of all of this if you’re still reading is that I struggled for years grieving the loss of my family. I have no blood relatives that I speak to or see. I have worked hard to live a good life and take care of my mental health and be a good mom for my kids so they never have to go through what I went through. But I have been thinking about trying to find my Dad and go and see him before he dies so I can tell him how much he hurt me but also to tell him that I forgive him and let go of all of the past and all of the hurt. I feel like maybe this would be final closer for me.

    However, I am worried about going back and dealing with him again and all the emotions it will bring and whether it is really worth going through it as he probably has not changed.

    My question is if any of you have been DA or DF from your family and have had little to no contact did you reach out to your family members for closer later on? Or do any of you have any direct experience dealing with a JW family member who passed away? Did you get to go to the funeral? What happened? were you allowed at the service or the wake? How did you find seeing your family members after such a long time with no contact? Any comments would be helpful before I make the decisions to try to see my dad.

  • Xanthippe

    Oh Leela I am so sorry the cult mind-controlled your family to that extent. You've been through so much my heart goes out to you. I will try and answer a few of your questions in case my experiences will help.

    My family have had very little to do with me for 27 years since we Da'ed, mainly we do funerals. It was weird seeing them all at my mother's bedside in hospital, but they seemed like strangers. I did go to my mother's funeral at a KH. Basically the JWs didn't speak to me. My dad died four months later so I got together with my JW family to do that funeral. After that I tried to meet up with my sister for a coffee or a meal, I sent her a note suggesting this. I thought after all we'd been through the past few months... No dice, she wouldn't meet me, it might stumble someone.

    Then my husband died, they came to his funeral, one sister and my brother plus their partners. They went back to not phoning me about six weeks later. They would allow me to phone them but made it clear that I was persona non grata. Even though I had a 13 year old daughter they didn't occasionally phone to see if she was ok. That isn't good enough for me I'm afraid so I left them to it.

    I don't know, your father sounds very abusive to me so I don't think he is going to apologise and possibly he might not even speak to you. I don't know what to suggest but it's good to have you here. You've done so well making a new life and new family for yourself. 🌷

  • baker
    So sad to have to go thru this cause armageddon was supposed to have come already and this situation was never planned on. I watched a family member breathe their last breath who was a pioneer but most of the relatives were catholic. It was chaotic, with some saying she is in a better place and others saying she is now in Jehovah,s memory. I saw her pass and it was peaceful, but the people left behind were anything but peaceful. If I had my choice I would never have gone.
  • OrphanCrow
    Leela: However, I am worried about going back and dealing with him again and all the emotions it will bring and whether it is really worth going through it as he probably has not changed.
    My question is if any of you have been DA or DF from your family and have had little to no contact did you reach out to your family members for closer later on? Or do any of you have any direct experience dealing with a JW family member who passed away? Did you get to go to the funeral? What happened? were you allowed at the service or the wake? How did you find seeing your family members after such a long time with no contact? Any comments would be helpful before I make the decisions to try to see my dad.

    Yes, if you decide to go see your father, it will bring up all sorts of extreme and difficult emotions.

    However, on the plus side, you will be in the position of being the one with the power. Going to see your father could be quite healing for you - just to be physically in the room with him when he is powerless and you have all the power, could be very empowering for you.

    He will be the one who is sick and without power - you will be the powerful one. You will have the strength when he has none. You will no longer be the child with the powerful father - you will be the adult with all the power.

    Good luck. And don't forget that you are all grown up now - you are no longer that child without power. Walk into the room as the adult woman you are. Bravely and without fear.

  • Finkelstein

    The breaking apart of families is one the most damaging thing about this religions cult, which has indirectly caused numerous suicides over the years.

    As a suggestion I would make a motion to show your concern over your father's health to your family, if he's in a hospital, try to make a visit with a card and some flowers if possible.

    Show concern but don't bend over too much hurting yourself in the process if they reject your offer or attempt to make a visit.

    JWS are a highly controlled indoctrinated people, so personal behavior and reaction can vary from one person to another.

    In other words be prepared and have in place prepared motions for you to react to their actions.

    If this meet up fails at least it is established that you cared and tried to make a motion of concern.

    Also keep in mind that JWS like to taint people's character toward ones who left the organization, this reconfirms that they are sanctimoniously righteous themselves.

    Best of luck otherwise.

  • steve2

    What a tough road you were on in your later teen years, Leela! Two things stand out:

    (1) Your father's hugely negative influence over others in the household to show utter disdain because of your courageous decision to stop attending meetings;

    (2) despite a total absence of family support, you mustered your innate resilience in getting on with your life and now have your own family - your partner and your four children. Leela, these are your family - not the one that scorned you all those 27 years ago.

    My view is that because your family of origin have treated you as one who is dead since 16, you have already said "Goodbye" to them. Sadly, you do not count in their eyes otherwise they would have told you directly about your father's illness. They didn't. You found out through Facebook.

    Man, does that ever reflect their still treating you as one who is dead!

    Weigh up the Pros and Cons of trying to resume even limited contact. My hunch is it will re-trigger extremely painful memories and simply subject you to further disdain and disapproval.

    Unless you identify actual evidence of a softening towards you, Leela, refrain from contacting them. Focus insteand on looking after yourself and making your home a happy one for your partner and children. As much as you have been affected by what you were put through at 16, you are in actuality a pretty strong resilient woman who has got what it takes to make her own meaningful life away from parental condemnation. More power to you!

  • brandnew

    Leela!!!!! Doncha love the barbecues where nobody cares whatcha drink, or smoke, or if theres a birthday cake ????

    Its sooooooo freakin cooool!!!! Seize the day my friend.

  • LisaRose

    I saw my mom a few months before she died, but then she said she wanted to die with a clean conscience and couldn't see me anymore. I did go to the funeral, I was even "allowed" to go to the reception afterword, although no one spoke to me. The usual JW hate you, but we are really just kind Christians thing.

    It can be freeing to tell someone that has hurt you that they did, in fact, hurt you, and just for your own healing to forgive is good. But he may not agree to see you, so be aware. It's very unlikely he will give you anything positive. Personally I feel he was very abusive and I wouldn't volunteer for any more of it, but only you can know if it's the right thing for you.

    Maybe just write him a letter and call it good.

    Congratulations on moving on in your life a being a good parent, you have really risen above.


  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    Everything Fink said. So sorry you are going through this, let us know how things go and what you decide.... We are here for you.

    If this helps, know that regret is powerful, and most people find they regret more the things they did not do.... (because then, you are always wondering or kicking yourself). But protect your self too. 🌷

  • WingCommander
    I think I'd pour a gallon of urine and feces on this man's fresh grave. I pity that such a human being was your DNA donor. Go forth, be fruitful, and forget about this horrible man. You've got your own family, and I'm sure he doesn't give a crap.

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