Why, exactly, does the WATCHTOWER have a picture of a church in there?
If you search G images for an image of the Russian Kremlin, you will find the same photo.
if you have the inclination, call the number and ask ..."is russia banning "reading the bible, singing and praying with fellow worshippers"??.
can you say red herring?.
maybe they should add "feeding your children is clearly not criminal, neither is helping an old woman cross the street".
Why, exactly, does the WATCHTOWER have a picture of a church in there?
If you search G images for an image of the Russian Kremlin, you will find the same photo.
just had a wild conspiracy theory.
get your tin hats everyone.
what if this mass letter writing is all a bethel conspiracy to increase declining service hours?
May be a whole family can count time by co-signing? - waton
I think it's intended that each publisher is to write their own letter. Some households could then be sending 5 or 6 letters.
So, what's the cost to mail a standard letter to Russia?
i understand a lot of you have had experience with different situations but i just need to see if there is anything to shed light on my situation.. i separated from my wife of 13 yrs (been apart for the past 2 now), and left.
this was our second separation.
i couldn't deal with her ways anymore so i chose to leave.
I agree that your focus should now be the relationship with your children.
While you now state that you don't want to be DF'd and loose out with your children, you did proceed to commit adultery and more importantly, admitted to such in writing. When your wife shares your letter with the elders, prepare to be DF'd regardless of whether you meet with the elders or not.
Consider all consequences prior to acting.
Sorry to say, any further relationship with your children may now be a result of court mandated legal action.
hey guys!
saw this posted on social media and was wondering (super curious) what this was about?
i was reading the comments and many people were saying that we need to be obedient because the end is coming?
The web allows info to be changed at the drop of a hat. If people start taking screen captures of things WT post on their site, those screen shots can come back and haunt them as proof of something they posted but later change and deny.
WT claim their literature's purpose is to provide understanding of bible scriptures so as to proclaim God's word and the good news of God's kingdom, but then they claim and enforce copyright on everything they create.
god provides.
A big problem mentioned in the video: How to make sections with straight rows with so many different size chairs? It seems only Jehovah can direct the ability to figure out a method.
Give me a break!
WT is obviously without content for videos. JWs don't have much of a life so they lap-up anything presented by WT as being so wonderful and and proof of blessing from Jah.
As previously mentioned, WT should have chosen the appropriate venue for the purpose. That building appears better suited as a warehouse, not an event facility intended to hold 20,000 people for 6+ hours per day over multiple days.
i am still in my crossroads, and going to some meetings at times.
i have joined facebook ex jw support groups.
on friday one of my friends from my hall, texts me saying he saw a recommendation to join a group, and sees me listed as a member.
However eventually I will muster up courage and just say yeah I deleted you so what.
You already made an excuse that your FB account was hacked, so why not take it farther and say you deleted the account for the same reason?
this week all congregations in australia have been instructed to make the following announcement:.
if a member of the congregation would like a copy of the child safeguarding policy of jehovah’s witnesses in australia, please see the coordinator of the body of elders or the secretary.. .
As has been said many JWs simply would not ask to see it as they will be flagged up as a possible trouble maker. - alanv
This is by design. WT is well aware and planned for that to occur.
The lawyer at the ARC, Stewart, had suggested distributing it to all JWs but the two WT reps each maintained, it would be "made available".
first of all i'm not a jahovas witness, my mother is.
i've asked my mother for some help over the weekend for my sons birthday, i understand jw do not celebrate birthdays.. every year i take my son out for a treat day, this year he has asked me if he can bring friends too so i said i only have enough room for one but he has asked for two, so i said i will ask nanny if she will help out to take my other son in her car with my netphew and older sister, but as soon as i mentioned it was for a birthday treat she refused to help me.. i just need to know if jahovahs witnesses will refuse to help family out when asking for help, i feel i've asked and made sure all the people she will be giving a lift to that it is not there birthday.
his birthday has just happened to have fallen on the weekend when we would have been taking him because he is at school monday to friday.
If you really want her assistance, don't mention 'Birthday'.
By that, I was not implying that you should attempt to fool her but only that, she probably had no hesitation in helping you until you mentioned the word Birthday.
Many JWs are nice people with the best intentions. Most posters on this forum are not against JWs as individuals, as the majority of us were JWs for some time of our lives and many continue to have family who are JWs. We are mainly against the Watch Tower organization and its rules, policies and mind control it places on and demands of its members. JWs are misguided and blindly follow the organization, no matter what is demanded, whether reasonable or not. This is mainly why this religion is considered a cult.
JWs maintain they are not a cult as WT has presented an altered definition of what a cult is to its members, just as various scriptures have been altered in their bible to support WT interpretations.
As an ex Moonie, Steven Hassan has become an expert on cults and how they operate. He has written various books such as "Combatting Cult Mind Control" which I suggest you read before defending the JW religion.
first of all i'm not a jahovas witness, my mother is.
i've asked my mother for some help over the weekend for my sons birthday, i understand jw do not celebrate birthdays.. every year i take my son out for a treat day, this year he has asked me if he can bring friends too so i said i only have enough room for one but he has asked for two, so i said i will ask nanny if she will help out to take my other son in her car with my netphew and older sister, but as soon as i mentioned it was for a birthday treat she refused to help me.. i just need to know if jahovahs witnesses will refuse to help family out when asking for help, i feel i've asked and made sure all the people she will be giving a lift to that it is not there birthday.
his birthday has just happened to have fallen on the weekend when we would have been taking him because he is at school monday to friday.
In most JW's view, he hates (or at least is SAD) at anyone that is not a JW, not just you. This is why it is stated that he will destroy at Armageddon, anyone who is not a JW. JWs may not admit only JWs will survive, that is clearly the message from the platform.
As you claim to already know JWs do not celebrate birthdays, what did you expect would occur when you asked your mother to help out with anything to do with your son's birthday? While you may not consider a birthday treat as equal to a birthday party, a 'birthday treat' to a JW is a birthday celebration, regardless. If you really want her assistance, don't mention 'Birthday'.
It is not really his birth day as that would be the day he was actually born on, making that date each year after he was born, the anniversary date of his birth. As most JWs do not have any reservations celebrating a wedding anniversary, ask your mother if she would celebrate the anniversary of your children's birth. She will either probably say NO or she will need to do further research or ask the elders if that would be OK.
first of all i'm not a jahovas witness, my mother is.
i've asked my mother for some help over the weekend for my sons birthday, i understand jw do not celebrate birthdays.. every year i take my son out for a treat day, this year he has asked me if he can bring friends too so i said i only have enough room for one but he has asked for two, so i said i will ask nanny if she will help out to take my other son in her car with my netphew and older sister, but as soon as i mentioned it was for a birthday treat she refused to help me.. i just need to know if jahovahs witnesses will refuse to help family out when asking for help, i feel i've asked and made sure all the people she will be giving a lift to that it is not there birthday.
his birthday has just happened to have fallen on the weekend when we would have been taking him because he is at school monday to friday.
Something fishy here as confirmed by her last post. That is the typical inappropriate and rude actions of many active witnesses who post on here.
Although Jehovahs-Witness is clearly shown at the top of every forum page, the extreme misspelling 'jahovas witness' which I believe is only to imply she doesn't know much about JWs. She then states she had been attending the KH & BS. Someone with even a few 'studies' with JWs would have a basic understanding of their 'beliefs'. NO birthday celebrations, Christmas and blood are usually well known to non witnesses with even the most basic knowledge of JWs and especially someone with a close family member who has been an active witness for any length of time.
Most anyone who would have questions on their mother's decision to not help out because they mentioned a 'birthday treat', would first ask an explanation from their mother directly, not a bunch of strangers on an internet forum.