'Resources' is an undefined entity.
Resources' could be:
Working space
Internet bandwidth
All of the above
Something else?
for the december monthly broadcast instead of jws from around the world waving to you and items of how to shun people we will have to make do with repeats of of old gilead videos that have been on the jw website for a good while.
'Resources' is an undefined entity.
Resources' could be:
Working space
Internet bandwidth
All of the above
Something else?
for the december monthly broadcast instead of jws from around the world waving to you and items of how to shun people we will have to make do with repeats of of old gilead videos that have been on the jw website for a good while.
Unfortunately, WT is not transparent with financial information never mind other data. It's not like other corporations which publish and offer a yearly (and quarterly) audited financial reports to the public.
Cut backs and branch closures in themselves do not prove much. WT has adopted the new way of distributing information in the 21st century, as has been adopted by numerous other organizations
Why print, bind, warehouse and ship paper when the same information can be distributed inexpensively to their target audience, virtually any where in the world through a digital pipeline. Of course, since so many people were utilized in the production and distribution of paper literature, those people and numerous additional support staff are no longer needed.
With digital, the printing costs are transferred to the target audience (JWs) since their audience who want to read that information, then need a computer, tablet or other device. If any of the target audience want a hard copy, they need to arrange printing to paper at their own expense.
WT currently have little new information to offer, unlike when F Franz was their 'oracle'. WT find themselves presenting the same, over and over again so they may as well present once and use that info for a longer time period, all while claiming 'simplification', growth and speeding up of the warning work.
Since most JWs with devices won't bother printing and keeping paper, changes to doctrine are easily performed to the online master document, which will immediately update info utilized by the majority of JWs.
i've seen some depressing color schemes at the kingdom and assembly halls in my lifetime, but this one could be the worst.. a family member just sent me an email to tell me she had nice day at the assembly.
she attached a picture of the stage to show me a friend of hers who had a part.
other than the platform itself which had cream carpeting it was nothing but various shades of black!
Maybe it is required that all of those presenting parts, all wear black suits. This way, their bodies blend into the background so that they effectively become, talking heads which are floating in space.
Similar to Famous People Players.
so, my son bought me a device that allows me to look up and watch anything i want.
i remember years ago , i enjoyed the television show hee haw on sunday evenings.
i naively thought it was wholesome family entertainment.
Maybe TRE Gentry became confused, and thought yesterday was April Fools Day.
the jw lawyer clearly stated that disfellowshipping only applies to spiritual association, but everyday family contact is ok..
the exact point is that David (the lawyer who lied) never specified that and therefore misled the Supreme Court.
Not necessarily a lie, but more didn't tell the Whole (complete) Truth.
Consider, when a witness is sworn in to the witness stand, the person is to vow to: 'Tell the truth, the whole truth ...' The court makes a distinction between truth and whole truth.
Q: When you entered the room, did you turn on the four lamps?
A: No! (when the person did perform that action)
While that answer would be technically true if one of the lamps was already burned-out so only three came on, it would not be the whole truth.
first post here and looking for advice and help.
sorry in advance for it being so long :(.
i'm a happily married woman (no kids) who is a non-jw, presbyterian to be precise.
Happy you reached a compromise, at least for this Christmas.
It's a small victory for me
None of us want to create conflict between you as it's wonderful that you both found love, but, marriage is supposed to be an equal partnership.
Your husband wasn't a practicing JW while you were courting as he didn't decide to return to that religion until after you were married. Did he discuss with you before returning, how his decision to return could (will) impact you?
You are the woman he first accepted and fell in love with, celebrations and all. Since Christmas has been a lifelong tradition and remains important for you, and although you haven't changed your religion, beliefs or views of the holiday, it seems you are continually making compromises for the religion he decided to return to.
I didn't say compromise for 'him' or his 'beliefs' since any changes to JW beliefs as dictated by Watchtower, he is expected to immediately change his views to comply with.
As he was well aware and accepted you celebrate various holidays which you would be continuing to celebrate after marriage, what compromise has he really made for you?
Although you had both agreed to individually observe and practice your own beliefs, you now consider an ability to have a Christmas tree in a secondary (hidden) room in your residence, a small victory.
What compromises for the JW religion will you be making next, while considering what little you can do in a hidden manner, without support or the ability to enjoy these occasions with your husband, as a victory?
we all know that this cult will drive those trying to leave to desperate measures, and today by brother was very nearly one of those statistics.
he slashed his thigh with a kitchen knife and was bleeding out until he called the police.. i got a call on my way home from work from a police officer, coincidentally it was one of my old friends from school who's now a cop.
he told me my brother is in hospital after an attempted suicide and has lost some blood but will be ok. but i should get to the hospital as he's asking for me.
Pale, you mentioned 'his' mom chose carers for him.
Does your brother need carers and if so, is there a possibility for you to become his advocate or guardian and therefore, you (and he) choose who will provide his care?
we all know that this cult will drive those trying to leave to desperate measures, and today by brother was very nearly one of those statistics.
he slashed his thigh with a kitchen knife and was bleeding out until he called the police.. i got a call on my way home from work from a police officer, coincidentally it was one of my old friends from school who's now a cop.
he told me my brother is in hospital after an attempted suicide and has lost some blood but will be ok. but i should get to the hospital as he's asking for me.
Sorry to read this. Sorry also for the additional stress on you. While many have expressed support to you, if appropriate, please express our support to your brother from all of us here. Maybe that might help to lift his spirits.
I would suggest, if there is a group of JWs there again when you arrive, ask your brother if he wants them there. If he says 'No' or is hesitant to respond, then you could ask them to leave for his benefit. If they refuse, ask the nurse to call security.
You can also tell your brother that he has a right to rest and if there are visitors he doesn't want, he can call the nurse himself if you're not there.
Edit to add: It is natural love and affection to group together as a family when one of your own is injured. You informing your mom and sisters is the natural thing to do under the circumstances. Unfortunately, WT washes natural love and affection from most JW brains.
here's a hypothetical: you find your elderly jw father - a lifelong witness, unconscious in his home - you are alone with him.
you ring an ambulance.
at the hospital the doc says they need to give him a blood transfusion straight away or he'll die.
If the situation was reversed, as a capable adult, would you expect your parent or partner to uphold a decision you made for yourself which they were fully aware of your position on?
A No Blood decision typically requires written instruction by the patient, which is the purpose for a signed and witnessed medical directive. The obligation is with the JW to always carry their medical directive with them at all times as that document is intended to 'speak' for them if they can't speak for themselves.
Regardless of whether or not you agree with a decision your parent may have made, if he/she continues to have mental capacity to make decisions for himself, then you should respect his/her decision.
this law firm seems to exit for the sole purpose of defending the jw organisation.
am i correct?.
The physical address indicated for the 'How' law firm as per their web site, is the same address for WT Canada bethel.