I seem to recall with the Boer matter, the court found congregation elders had no individual decision making ability whether an abused was to meet with their abuser or whether the matter is to be reported to Child Welfare or Police. As WT sets policy which the elders are required to follow, WT was found liable whereas the elders were not.
JoinedPosts by Incognito
Las Vegas REVIEW-JOURNAL: Las Vegas man charged with raping teen member of his church
by AndersonsInfo inhttps://www.reviewjournal.com/crime/sex-crimes/las-vegas-man-charged-with-raping-teen-member-of-his-church/.
las vegas man charged with raping teen member of his church.
by blake apgar / las vegas review-journal march 23, 2018 - 5:10 pm .
Cousin's Runaway Girlfriend Living with us
by RunAwayDaughter inmy cousin's girlfriend moved from another state and is now living in our home.
they said she lived in a bad situation, but i don't believe them.
my cousin lies.
Welcome to the forum RunAwayDaughter.
I was happy to see Diogenesister mentioned the loss of her father as being related to her actions. That too was my thought when reading your earlier comments.
As your daughter is usually quiet and behaves in a predictable manner, perhaps the loss of your husband affected her more than you or her brothers realized. Since you were all deep in grief (understandable), she may have felt there was no one available to discuss the loss she was feeling.
The boyfriend (you didn't mention his age) likely provided her with attention and a listening ear that she needed. Unfortunately, her mental state would leave her vulnerable to being easily influenced.
While she may eventually recognize she made a mistake in leaving home, as the BF is controlling and without her own money, may feel somewhat trapped and may be reluctant to express that she wants to return home, especially when reflecting on the behaviour she had shown to you and her brothers.
I suspect her desire to want to talk to a counsellor may have been related to discussing the loss of her father, not necessarily about leaving home - not yet. Unfortunately, JWs are taught to believe psychiatry and counselling are wrong and so the JWs she is staying with may have convinced her to not follow through with the appointment you set up.
Politically Neutral? Can a legalistic organization claim that status?
by OrphanCrow ini found a document that discusses the canadian tax law for religions.. http://www.carters.ca/pub/seminar/church/2010/kjc0824.pdf.
i have long held the view that the org/wts says that it is non-political yet they behave like a political organization.
and it bothers me that religions are restricted from political activity yet the org has always been political.
Opposing the law of foreign countries and challenging court decisions in Russia and elsewhere, trying to change laws.
The initial reference you provide is in regard to changing municipal, Provincial or Canadian Law within Canada. Although W. G. H. & Associates is a Canadian law firm, the Canadian restriction on changing or opposing the law I expect, would not apply to laws in other countries unless that country also has restrictions in place.
That said, WT & JWs (through the law firm) seem to take pride in the changes made to laws within Canada which benefit WT/JWs, much of which is attributed to Glen How himself.
Perhaps WGH was (technically) not retained by WT but acting independently from WT when fighting for laws beneficial to WT/JWs (ie: JW freedom to preach and JW right to refuse blood), thereby not putting WT at risk in acting on those matters.
A funny idea about dating in the paradise...
by JW_Rogue inhow in the hell would it ever work?
everyone is youthful, everyone is perfect, everyone's personality is loving and kind.
how would you choose somebody?
I seem to recall it claimed there will be no need to procreate in the new system since the earth will be filled to capacity.
I also recall those resurrected will not have sexual desires (Eunuchs) so perhaps anyone not married in advance of Armageddon will also not have sexual desires and therefore, no need for a dating partner.
Anything stated by WT on this subject is all fiction and should be considered as such.
I'm getting disfellowshipped
by Letty inhi everyone i'm 19 year old and i've been a jehovahs witness for 3 years now.
i've followed the rules and i'm even a pioneer.
but i've hid the secret of a boyfriend i had from india.
You seemed to have jumped to the worst case scenario. You haven't yet discussed the situation with anyone but are already stating you are being disfellowshipped. From what you described, it doesn't sound as though you have actually done anything physical to be DF'd for.
Consider the JW 2 witness rule and use it to your advantage
Explicit photos and text will work as proof (a witness) against you to support any potential action they might consider. Delete the texts, emails and whatever you are keeping to eliminate this witness and therefore weaken any allegations against you. While your parents may have seen the texts, you are an adult and any meeting with Elders will be you alone without your parents. Deny, Deny, Deny. Your word against theirs especially if they have no proof to present.
Your opening post said "But I've hid the secret of a boyfriend I had from india."
You said "I had" which is a past tense statement. Continue using past tense when questioned.
Padron Case Settled. What happens to the fine?
by Slidin Fast init seems that irwin zalkin has obtained undisclosed settlement in the case.
the $4000 a day fine then seems to be dead.
the downside?
As the $4000/day was ordered as a penalty by the court for failure to produce documents, would that penalty be paid to Padron or to the court? If to be paid to the court, I would not expect Padron or lawyer Zalkin to have authority to decide if it will be waved or not.
Even if the penalty and requirement to produce were waved in this instance, I expect the same issues will arise again during another case yet to occur.
Unhappy being asked to give a Disfellowshipped Sister a ride to and from Meetings
by Isambard Crater ini'm pimo, very much against disfellowshipping, and going to a meeting leaves me feeling confused and angry at the best of times.
except an elder asked me on thursday night if i can start giving a ride to a disfellowshipped woman because she lives near me and nobody else from the hall lives in my village.
it seems the elder and his family who have been giving this woman a ride for the past six months can no longer stomach the time it takes them to go out of their way.. i thought all normal publishers weren't to have any contact with disfellowshipped people?
No prob Steve,
This from IC's 2nd post on page 1
I'm a woman too, explaining why this Elder asked me to give the disfellowshipped woman a ride rather than ask a Brother
Am I losing my mind or am I being stalked?
by Michigan22 inhi everyone, this is my first post.
i studied the bible weekly with a wonderful jw.
i suddenly stopped because things just seemed to be getting stranger.
Your question is: What do they gain?
They count and report the time knocking on doors and the literature they place or leave at the doors. This is the same with the time spent with you in studying JW religion. The hours reported show how 'spiritual' the JW is.
Unfortunately, there are not many perks for a JW woman so about the most she can qualify as is called a 'Pioneer' which means she will have a quota of hours to spend in preaching each month. Most JWs are not Pioneers but are called Publishers. Publishers do not have a quota but are expected to report at least the national average of hours preaching (usually 10 hours/month).
If a baptised male JW consistently attains the national average, he may then qualify for additional congregation 'privileges' (prestige of position) as a Ministerial Servant and then Elder.
A 'study' (ie: you) who becomes baptised, allows some additional bragging rights for the JW who studied with you and maybe considered to be an indication of God's blessing on them.
Unhappy being asked to give a Disfellowshipped Sister a ride to and from Meetings
by Isambard Crater ini'm pimo, very much against disfellowshipping, and going to a meeting leaves me feeling confused and angry at the best of times.
except an elder asked me on thursday night if i can start giving a ride to a disfellowshipped woman because she lives near me and nobody else from the hall lives in my village.
it seems the elder and his family who have been giving this woman a ride for the past six months can no longer stomach the time it takes them to go out of their way.. i thought all normal publishers weren't to have any contact with disfellowshipped people?
You are an adult female who gets to decide who you will allow or are comfortable in allowing in your vehicle. No excuses are necessary. You don't need to stop to explain to each hitchhiker you see as to why you will not give them a ride, so to in this situation, you don't know this person. Although she may attend your KH, she has been deemed by your elders as an un-acceptable JW which you must accept without question. Throw their rules back on them.
Edit to add: I expect the elders expectation will be that you don't converse even while alone in the vehicle. She would likely be expected to get in and say nothing, as would you for the entire trip, there and back. How uncomfortable would that situation be?
Am I losing my mind or am I being stalked?
by Michigan22 inhi everyone, this is my first post.
i studied the bible weekly with a wonderful jw.
i suddenly stopped because things just seemed to be getting stranger.
If you reevaluate the situation, I think you will realize your study was not a 'bible study' but was the reading of JW publications which use the JW bible to support the information being presented.
Most of us on this forum are ex-JWs who have come to realize the JW religion as a cult.
Your 'Wonderful' JW study conductor invested effort and time to convert you, and it is inconceivable that your study conductor could have done anything to cause you to stop your study. JW's refer to the religion as "The Truth". You deciding to stop then means to her/him that the devil is placing pressure on you so that you will not know "The Truth". She/he may be stalking you or asking others to, to identify activities and interests which have caused you to 'turn away' from "The Truth".
Once some activities are recognized, expect your conductor or other JW to call on you with information on how those activities are taking your time away from learning 'The Truth'.