Each 1hr episode focuses on a different cult/extreme. This premiered yesterday and I expect each episode will eventually also be viewable on the A&E website.
Episode 1 subject was NXIVM
Episode 2 subject is JW's.
i haven't seen this posted.. tuesday may 29, 2018 @ 10pm (new york time zone).
cults and extreme belief - jehovah's witnesses.
Each 1hr episode focuses on a different cult/extreme. This premiered yesterday and I expect each episode will eventually also be viewable on the A&E website.
Episode 1 subject was NXIVM
Episode 2 subject is JW's.
i haven't seen this posted.. tuesday may 29, 2018 @ 10pm (new york time zone).
cults and extreme belief - jehovah's witnesses.
This series premiered on Monday May 28, hosted by journalist Elizabeth Vargas. NXIVM was featured in the initial episode. While I had expected this to be a weekly series, during Monday's program, upcoming episode promos were shown with JW's indicated as scheduled for tonight (Tuesday). The A&E website confirmed the episode on Tuesday.
The trailer clearly shows Barbara Anderson being interviewed.
Here's a link to info on Reddit: Reddit link
i haven't seen this posted.. tuesday may 29, 2018 @ 10pm (new york time zone).
cults and extreme belief - jehovah's witnesses.
I haven't seen this posted.
Tuesday May 29, 2018 @ 10PM (New York Time Zone)
Cults and Extreme Belief - Jehovah's Witnesses
posted here:.
biggest changes:.
Strange, although my phone and computer show the entire spreadsheet, my tablet does not. The tablet only shows 'Revenue 4500' downward. If you are reviewing the spreadsheet on a tablet or phone, you may wish to confirm you are viewing the entire thing. Column C should be headed "2009".
I agree with JeffT as anyone can create a spreadsheet and show any numbers. There is nothing to substantiate this as being created by WT Canada and there are no notes to define what is included in the figures on each line.
Even if this spreadsheet is authentic, WT has created a number of corporations over the years so this spreadsheet likely pertains to only one. While we continue to refer to it as Watchtower, we might be astounded at how many corporations are registered separately, at arm's length from WT, for the benefit of protection of assets. I have seen prior documents online which suggest WT (referring to the head) play a shell game with assets, donating them among various benefactor corporations, all under arm's length control of WT.
While line #4870 refers to Education and Training for Staff and Volunteers, there is no similar line indicating expenses paid for employee or volunteer stipends so as to identify and compare those expenses specifically.
years ago at the kh my aunt attended, there was an elder from a prominent jw family who was accused of sexual conduct with several young men in the hall.
he was an unmarried guy in his 30's who wore a terrible hair piece/toupee.
his sister once told me he was waiting for the new system to marry so he could have a perfect wife--isn't that funny?.
Thank you for the clarification. The elder being accused of sexual conduct with several underage 'boys' is now clear.
years ago at the kh my aunt attended, there was an elder from a prominent jw family who was accused of sexual conduct with several young men in the hall.
he was an unmarried guy in his 30's who wore a terrible hair piece/toupee.
his sister once told me he was waiting for the new system to marry so he could have a perfect wife--isn't that funny?.
elder from a prominent JW family who was accused of sexual conduct with several young men in the hall.
the pedophile elder
In questioning everything, this thread requires some clarification.
The pedophile word would mean the victims were children yet in the OP, the targets are only referred to as young 'MEN', thereby suggesting they were not children but were above the age of consent when the incidents occurred. Please clarify so that we are not making assumptions.
it’s been very difficult, much more than i first anticipated to live a lie, (be pimo and a regular active member) i still live with my parents but i plan on moving out at the end of the year, so i really need to keep it together.
but i think people are starting to get suspicious that something is up.
i’ve stopped commenting, going on service all the time, talking at the door, and occasionally voicing something, such as a question that no one has a good answer for, that makes people think, but ahah, thinking is dangerous and wrong so that is suspicious of course.
If you expect your siblings and parents will treat you badly if you were to DA, then by you not DA'ing is showing them more consideration and love than you expect to receive from them.
If you can no longer tolerate conditional love acceptance by your family, or if they wouldn't treat you badly if you did DA, then there would likely be little to lose by DA'ing and so there would probably be little hesitation in doing so. Each of our circumstances is unique so how we choose to leave the Org needs to be appropriate according to our individual circumstances and what we are willing to continue to tolerate.
In consideration of the circumstances you have shared with us, I would suggest not being too quick to DA. Once a person announces they have DA'd, that is not something that can be easily taken back whereas if you fade, you then continue to have the option to DA in the future.
i don’t get it.
who really cares?
in the usa, it’s such a huge newsworthy event.
Perhaps Harry, a member of the normally exclusive monarchy, marrying a common American, resulted in larger than usual interest by US residents.
hi,i'm lost and a little sad.
i actually like the jw faith.
some might call this faith cold, strict, dogmatic but they're just trying to follow rules and give back to god.
they all believe falsehood in unison
Or else ...
hi,i'm lost and a little sad.
i actually like the jw faith.
some might call this faith cold, strict, dogmatic but they're just trying to follow rules and give back to god.
I'l accept the doctrines if I can prove the Governing Body is being led by God.
I usually agree with the things they explain. I'll accept the understanding if I can prove the Governing body is being led by God.
Welcome Ahava!
As the JW Governing Body are the ones claiming to be led by God, the obligation is on them to offer undeniable evidence God has chosen them otherwise, God would need to make his choice plainly evident through other means.
How will you prove they are led by God when there is no proof to be found?
they're just trying to follow rules and give back to God.
What rules did Jesus tell his Apostles, Christians are to follow?