FayeDunaway said:
Pretty gross. I've heard you guys referring to dancing at the kh's....what was that about??
Although less dancing than some videos I've seen, linked below is one example.
Pretty gross. I've heard you guys referring to dancing at the kh's....what was that about??
Although less dancing than some videos I've seen, linked below is one example.
i watched some of the segments on the jw broadcast.
in the video they showed how they managed their inventory orders for the congregations.
at the conclusion it was stated by the narrator how god is speeding up the work.. the problem is the system they implemented has been used for over two decades in logistics.
Long gone are the days when the wtbs was an innovator.
Who said it was ever an innovator? Oh yes, that's right - the WTBTS said it about itself.
It also said it is God's earthly organization.
Outlaw: The hot dog stand photo would have been most effective with a long line of customers waiting to be served, unlike the other photo.
so, this happened a while ago - but i never posted on it.
during a co visit, he gave a talk relating to jesus ransom (i think) and the "debt" that was owed by sin, etc.... he kept saying "debt" and he kept pronouncing the "b".
so it sounded like "deb-t".
... the worse one (in Canada) is "Coupe" which they pronounce Coup (like "Soup"). How the hell can a country that has French as an official language not know how to pronounce a French word? It's Coup-eh (like toupe).
Although Canada's origins are from England (Great Britain), there are many words & traits that are 'picked-up' from our American neighbors to the South. Although Coupe has an 'e' at the end, it is most often pronounced as 'Coup' in North America.
Although both pronunciations are acceptable, the Beach Boys hit song: 'Little Deuce Coupe' wouldn't be quite the same if sung: 'Little Deuce Coup-eh'.
In computers, there is memory called Cache. How should that be pronounced? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rCcV6MiQZ0
hello everybody, i was wondering if anyone has been guilted or emotionally blackmailed into attending the memorial this year.
something along the lines of "if you loved your family you would at least attend the memorial".
i myself haven't attended in 5 years.
I had a conversation with a fully indoctrinated JW a few years back.
He mentioned that there had then been a recent 'talk' that specifically instructed that the congregation should be kind and understanding to those that attend only the memorial as the memorial maybe the only meeting they are able to attend due to circumstances. No one else may understand their situation.
He also said that anyone that at least attends the memorial, is acknowledging the JW religion as 'The Truth' and is showing submissiveness to God's earthly organization.
During this same conversation, he mentioned about JWs being instructed to do as they are told without question or consideration, even though what they are told to do may not seem logical or is contrary to what JWs have been instructed previously.
thank you for raising me in this religion, this religion that when people get disfellowshipped you have to cut off all communication, even family.
thank you for making sure all of my friends, work partners, family and 99% of my life was centered around this organization.
thank you for taking the time to study with me, read the bible, making me excluded from all school activities and friends so that my whole social life was surrounded by jw.
Thank you for the clarification!
Your reply did not suggest it was written in the manner you now indicate and as TDS put his letter 'out-there' without asking for feedback or suggestions, nothing should be assumed.
edited to add: When I say your letter did not 'suggest', I am referring that there was no introduction as to the purpose for what you had written.
thank you for raising me in this religion, this religion that when people get disfellowshipped you have to cut off all communication, even family.
thank you for making sure all of my friends, work partners, family and 99% of my life was centered around this organization.
thank you for taking the time to study with me, read the bible, making me excluded from all school activities and friends so that my whole social life was surrounded by jw.
After reading the response from Oubliette, I became under the impression that the OP was from 'thedepressedsoul', written directly to 'Oubliette' thereby making the 'conversation', publically private.
I deleted my initial comment and backed away, implying 'I'll leave you two alone'.
thank you for raising me in this religion, this religion that when people get disfellowshipped you have to cut off all communication, even family.
thank you for making sure all of my friends, work partners, family and 99% of my life was centered around this organization.
thank you for taking the time to study with me, read the bible, making me excluded from all school activities and friends so that my whole social life was surrounded by jw.
they simply belong to a religion.
they cannot explain why they follow all the dictates of the organization.
they live in blind faith.
Similar to Pistoff, I believe that JWs have one belief - the GB is god's spokesmen and all JWs must unquestionably follow as the GB dictates.
How else could any JW justify changing long held beliefs views (aka true understanding - aka TRUTH) due a "new understanding" (aka New Light) as uttered only from those claiming to be the GB although the new light is not supported by the bible and maybe soon changed again and their position cannot be verified?
Although the GB are often referred as the "slave", how many "slaves" are actually in a position of leadership?
Unless specifically made clear by the "Master", a slave that claims prominence is most often only due to claims made by that slave in his desire for prominence and have little to do with reality.
when i was a jw we had a 60 minute public talk - interval - 60 minute wt study.
60 minutes on a tuesday and 2 hours on a thursday.
apparently every single meeting was essential.. we also had to get to 2 circuit assemblies every year that consisted of friday evening, morning, afternoon and evening on a sat and morning and afternoon on a sunday.
Funny, I can recall as a kid, many DCs were 5 or 7 days and one was 8 days, from morning until 8 or 9 pm.
A couple of years ago, the inlaws commenced splitting their 3 day 10am-4pm DC/Regional convention over 2 weekends as they complain 3 days is 'too long'.
well, the switchover happened - there were a couple of things i had to fix which meant the posting was disabled for longer than i planned but it's now enabled and some people have already posted.. if you have any questions about the new format or suggestions on how to improve it, please post them here.. if you are having trouble signing in or posting then you'll need to email me instead.. many thanks to everyone for their patience during the changeover !.
Identical results on this thread
"Thank you" was initially posted but after upload, it became "Than" so i don't now believe it is my tablet's autocorrect.
The error was corrected in an edit and was displayed properly after saving but it reverted back to "Than" after a page refresh.