we as a people who are determined to protect children need to focus energy on changing the laws of the land in which we live.
For an organization which claims the highest morals and ethics, why do they oppose reporting child sexual abuse to worldly authorities? What would Jesus and Jehovah expect their chosen organization to do? Should they wait for worldly authorities to force them to report abuses or would they expect the organization to do everything possible to protect its members?
Even when required by law to report, do they actually do so? In Australia - 0 reported cases.
By not reporting even if not required, WT and elders are taking on a liability to which they are now often being made accountable.
Jehovah knows when a sparrow falls from the sky. Doesn't he hold humans in higher regard?
As Jehovah is 'love', I would assume he would expect his organization to be a positive example to the world on how to lovingly treat and protect others, especially those that cannot protect themselves.
WT warn congregants not to bring reproach on Jehovah's name yet it is WT behavior that is bringing the most reproach.