Richard: Why is it that more and more people here aren't encouraging each other to try and work with your state or national legislatures to get laws changed for everyone to to be mandatory reports of child abuse?
Because mandatory reporting is already in place in all of Canada. It has been for years. The law is not the problem here...the problem is the WTS that tells their members to not drag Jehovah's name through the mud. The problem is the way the WTS treats the victims and tells the elders not to report.
For every single suspected case of child abuse, the elders are told to phone headquarters for legal advice. In Canada, that advice has been wrong.
The problem is the WTS, because their lawyers do not follow the law even when mandatory reporting is in place. Even in Australia, where not one case was reported, some of those cases occurred in mandatory reporting areas.
Yes, mandatory reporting would be great - what would be even greater is if the Watchtower Society lawyers followed the laws already in place and told the elders to report all suspected cases of child abuse to the proper authorities (ie...people with the professional training on how to question a victim and how not to lead a victim in questioning - which the elders do all the time- and how not to harm the victim further with those questions). The elders follow the advice of the WT lawyers. The elders don't follow the law and they don't follow correct handling of questioning - the elders are NOT trained properly and they are NOT professionals. And the WT lawyers do NOT give correct advice.
Instead, the elders are told to take on the responsibility of determining if a criminal act of a sexual nature occurred by questioning a minor child in front of the person accused of inappropriate sexual action - the elders get to question all involved and discuss the nature of the actions that occurred to determine if a sexual sin happened and was acted out on a minor child.
I am disgusted by the way that accusations of a sexual nature are handled by JW non-professional men only behind closed doors - men who have no clue about how to engage with a victim or about what a crime really is. My stomach heaves to think of all the victims of child abuse being subjected to questioning by a panel of only...questioning a child about sex...another man. And what that man did to their bodies sexually. The elders dig and dig for every single little detail that they can. On the guise of saying it is to determine guilt - as many fingers did he use? Did he make you touch his penis? etc, etc....
What I don't understand is why JW elders go along with this perverse activity. Why? Why would a man agree to question children about sex abuse? Why? Why has there not been an internal revolution by men who know that this is wrong, wrong, wrong???
Where are those men who care? Have they just left?
Or is it just men left in the JW org who get off on the secretive nature of those JCs (combined with the secretive nature of the sex with children)?
Which is it? Do the JW elders like dealing with child sex abuse or do they think it should be handled by professionals?