that if something is impral or disgusting then it is there full unlawful.
Something you might consider 'disgusting', does not necessarily make it unlawful.
Child abuse is not only disgusting, it is illegal in most parts of the world.
Your original topic was in regards WT's responsibilities when an accusation is made, particularly when a person with no prior history is accused. You also mentioned pushing for additional mandatory reporting laws.
As you're receiving responses that are not supportive to WT, you then derailed the discussion by including age of consent and disgusting practice issues among others, even though those matters have nothing to do with the original topic.
If WT was truly interested in protection of children, they would not need to be forced to report abuses through laws with 'teeth', but would be demonstrating leadership in effectively dealing with this matter. Instead, they oppose even any suggestion of changing how matters are handled as was clearly demonstrated during Geoffrey Jackson's testimony at the ARC.
I don't agree with the idea that Watchtower should be sued to oblivion but that is my personal opinion.
So, what is your opinion when the Catholic Church is sued for similar behavior?
I don't agree that suing after-the-fact is better than preventing incidents or reducing further damage to children when an incident first occurs. Unfortunately, WT has not acted in other's interests and has made bad situations far worse than they needed to be. Often, the only penalty that maybe realistically imposed, is monetary.
While they can't change what has already occurred, WT can act to prevent further ongoing incidents but sadly, unwilling to do so. Their stubbornness and arrogance is to not only to their determent, but also damages future generations of children yet to be abused, although preventable.
Even as WT claim to JWs that they have no clergy, they then claim clergy privilege while in court.
WT cannot reasonably claim this privilege as matters discussed between an elder and congregant, are often reveled to other elders, the CO and possibly various persons at WT. This is in contrast to a parishioner privately discussing a matter with a priest as that discussion is to remain confidential between the two participants.