There are doctors, lawyers, CEOs and other 'professionals' who are JWs. These are an exception, not the common membership of the JW religion.
JWs often tend to point-out these exceptions and famous JWs as a means to give legitimacy and normalcy to the religion.
JWs with means, who contribute financially to the org, often 'get away' with behaviour that other, less able JWs could never do. There are however, numerous JWs who lead double lives, doing as they please in secret. This begs the question, if they really believe it is the true religion chosen by God, since God can see all things, who do they think they are fooling by keeping their behaviour hidden from men?
With regard to JWs walking away to become ex-JWs, those who try to lead separate lives, are often harassed by Elders. If an ex-JW does anything not approved by the organization even years after leaving, they will typically be summoned to a judicial committee and will likely be DFd.