Caesar Barber, 56,
He said he started eating fast food in the 1950s
I guess he should sue his mother, for forcing him to eat FF before he was even born.
obese man sues fast food restaurants.
a man sued four leading fast food chains, claiming he became obese and suffered from other serious health problems from eating their fatty cuisine.
Caesar Barber, 56,
He said he started eating fast food in the 1950s
I guess he should sue his mother, for forcing him to eat FF before he was even born.
i thought of successfully fading out, but suffered a miscarriage last week.
i gradually decreased the number of meetings i attended.
in the latter half of the year it became once a month, then once in two months, once in three months ….. last week, two elders who visited me, after their bla..bla..asked: “where will you go leaving the motherly organization—the only truth now available on earth?”.
Welcome Ireneus,
If you have no family or serious girlfriend/boyfriend who is a JW, then there is little benefit or point to fading.
You might reason that if you fade, you can maintain relationships with those you consider as 'friends' at the kingdom hall. Unfortunately, JWs who fade, often find those who they thought were 'friends', will no longer have much to do with them once they stop attending meetings on a regular basis.
Even if you are disfellowshipped, that is only a label JWs place on you, which means nothing to anyone other than JWs, depending how YOU feel about it.
it`s always a buzz to see this with the naked eye and know that their are human beings orbiting the earth a couple of hundred miles up every 90 minutes or so .. the wife and i were just sitting out on our porch/patio waiting for the cool change to arrive when i noticed this "star" moving across the sky in a se/nw (?
) direction { i hope that`s right }.
anyhow i thought some others on here may be interested in tracking the iss from time to time.. by the way the cool change hasn`t arrived here yet it`s still quite warm though not as hot as it was today at 41 deg c.
Using IFTTT, you can add an applet to your phone that will notify every time the ISS passes over your home.
for the second month no tv show, but the annual meeting this time... .
If you watch the first 1:30 of the December broadcast, it specified Annual Meeting and Gilead content will be presented for December and subsequent monthly broadcasts.
back again!.
so as i'm still pimo and living under my parent's roof, how can i get out of service?
cause i really don't want to go and i feel dirty just knowing i could be influencing someone into this garbage..
If you are an adult, you don't need to provide answers or excuses to those outside of your household if you so choose. You are responsible for yourself.
As you continue to live with your mother and because you are currently under medical care, you could tell her that for the sake of your health, both you and your doctor feel a break from stressful activities is needed.
this is my first post, i will introduce myself later.
first of all, i must say that english is not my mother tongue (i'm spanish), so excuse me if i make any mistake.. do you think that some people simply can't cope with being outside the jws?
some of them are too worldlyphobic to be around non-jws, too dependent on a fixed set of rules in order to carry on with their lives, too dependent on the hope of paradise and resurrection, too unable to leave their personal comfort zone within the organization.
Most people are not eggs, they are not going to break when under a little pressure.
There are things I initially thought I could not or would not ever do, such as no longer being a JW. Some things maybe difficult, but a person never knows until they actually decide themself to do it,
if you have a look at the december broadcast on jw tv they tell you that they wont be showing you a normal format for december but the 143rd event of gilead because the watchtower does not have the resources other wise to translate it many different lanuages.. with all the cuts the watchtower have made and are going to make you would have thought that they would have lots of resources.
As WT is less than forthcoming in regard to presenting an audited financial statement to the public, financial difficulty is only speculation as are other reasons.
Perhaps, they have run out of ideas for BS to present.
Ex-JWs form a substantial segment of JW Broadcasting viewership. There are several review sites which scrutinize each program's content word-for-word. Misinformation and lies are highlighted as are changes to past doctrines. WT has attempted to have some of those sites shut-down, often unsuccessfully.
How long would it take for JW Broadcast presenters to become disheartened and less than enthusiastic in taking their turn to present a monthly broadcast, when they know their every word is critiqued and scoffed at on a public forum?
The audience for a broadcast (webcast) program is not restricted, unlike the audience at a Kingdom Hall or for private, closed circuit video content.
With regard to costs, how substantial do you think production costs are for a 1X per month, 1+ hour 'talk' show using 2 cameras, featuring 1, maybe 2 non-talent staff people, within a news style set format that hasn't changed in several years use?
For a brief explanation of content changes, see the initial 1:30 of the December 2017 video at the link below:
It appears GB plan to regularly recycle talks they have already produced for other purposes.
this is my first post, i will introduce myself later.
first of all, i must say that english is not my mother tongue (i'm spanish), so excuse me if i make any mistake.. do you think that some people simply can't cope with being outside the jws?
some of them are too worldlyphobic to be around non-jws, too dependent on a fixed set of rules in order to carry on with their lives, too dependent on the hope of paradise and resurrection, too unable to leave their personal comfort zone within the organization.
I'm sure there must have been a time or two when we've all wished for a second to be re-plugged in become blissfully ignorant once more - no-zombie
It seems an ignorance position is somewhat desirable as it is usually easier. A JW only needs to do as they are told with no further thinking or decision making needed. They are not responsible for their actions but are only following directions given.
While many JWs are conditioned to think in an institutional manner, I believe some may be prone to think as a gambler does.
JWs are conditioned to believe they won't die and their loved relatives who have died, will be resurrected. Even if a JW recognizes the religion's problems and errors, the thought of abandoning it means they must accept they will die and loose hope to see their departed relatives again. No one wants to die or experience loosing someone they love so it's usually harder to accept, the JWs/WT may also be wrong about resurrection and death.
To a gambler that has bet much money but hasn't won, typically holds the belief that the next hand, coin or roll of the dice will be the one that pays off. Similarly, if the JW doesn't give up hope but remains a JW for just a short time longer, then it will finally pay-off.
i was just lying here thinking about mind control and thought it'd write a list just to see how much the wts does try to control every aspect of people's lives.
some of the things i've come up with are:.
Sporting events. If the national anthem is played while a JW is in attendance, a JW had better make a scene by sitting down or otherwise, ensure they do not show support for their nation. A JW is not expected to favour any particular team as that would be considered nationalistic.
Greetings to others. Even though not celebrating, when other people offer a holiday greeting such as Merry Christmas, Happy New Year or Season's Greetings, a JW is not to offer the greeting in return.
Trivial Language. Even the most trivial of words can be an issue. A JW cannot refer to the Bulletin Board at the back of the KH as such but must say 'Information Board'. A JW cannot say 'Bless You' or 'Good Luck'.
Words: Words are changed so the old word is not appropriate and a JW using it may be criticised and counseled for doing so. 'Kingdom Ministry' changed to 'Our Kingdom Service' now changed to _____? 'Back Call' changed to 'Return Visit'. 'The Society' changed to 'Organization'. 'The Group' such as where JWs meet for field service changed to 'Rendezvous'. A JW party is called a 'Get Together'. Some word definitions are changed from that commonly recognized (see 'Lie' or 'Lying').
Christianity: JWs are not free to practise Christianity as they understand Jesus specified or as their conscience allows, but must conform to the changing dictates of the self appointed Governing Body.
hi can anyone tell me if it's true the society says parents must take their child to meetings until they're 16 even if they don't want to?
my ex is being a pain about me not forcing my 12 year old to be a witness.
he doesn't know i'm becoming inactive at moment so i have to be careful how i word things to him.
Vanderhoven - the ex could also communicate through email, with the added benefit that everything he says can be retained for easy reference if needed during a custody battle. Changing the phone number would simply eliminate the harassing calls and texts.
ttdtt- I'm not disagreeing with you but wasn't sure what your comment was referring to.
Jrjw - Just because the couple renting out the house are pleased that a JW is renting it, does not make your attending meetings mandatory. Situations change, especially when new information is learned.
You are in charge of your life and for ensuring the wellfare of your children. You need to do what you deem is best for the three of you at all times. How anyone else reacts to those actions and decisions is their issue, not yours.
It is not your landlord's business how you choose to lead your life. As long as you pay your rent on time and do not destroy their property or use it for illegal activity, then, they need to butt-out.