she went for a day the 1st week and 2 days the second week.
she said there were around 3500 the first week and around 4000 the second - lurkernomore
In times past, WT demanded all JWs to attend where and when they were assigned. Now, JWs often break-up their attendance over multiple weekends. I haven't heard WT complaining of this as the same JWs attending on multiple weekends only seems to artificially inflate the numbers attending each convention.
As so few are now being baptised, perhaps WT will assign a number of current JWs who were baptised pre 1980s to become re-baptised. Prior to mid 1980s, those baptised agreed to different questions during the baptism talk, so by being re-baptised, all current JWs will have commited to the same questions. By assigning only a few each convention, the number visibly baptised can be extended over multiple conventions.
Perhaps WT will only provide opportunity for baptism 1X per year. They could then save-up baptism candidates from special assembly days to make the number being baptised at the RC appear larger.