if their reasoning for not wanting it in the hands of ex jw's is because we might put it on the net in a corrupted form, then we have to ask if this has happened yet?
No, to my knowledge it hasn't happened to the CDROM because it is protected legally. But it has happened to other publications, such as the Live Forever Book.
I came across a website just yesterday that tried to say JW's taught that Abaddon was Satan and the Locusts were demons from Hell. I did an extensive trawl through the literature and could find nothing to prove that theory. The publications have always pointed to Abaddon being Jesus and the Locusts being so called witnesses. Even the Aid book (blue one) which is not on the CDROM.
I never implied that anyone on this site would put the CDROM altered on the net and I made that clear. Just that there are ones on other sites that would do it and have done it with other books.
Posting easily disproved lies about the JW's clouds the real issues. It makes it easier for less informed witnesses to brush aside concerns as they can turn around and easily disprove what these sites say.
As for whether the CDROM should be mass available and whether that would protect them from internet misusers I don't know. People ultimately believe what they want to, not necessarily the truth of an issue... I really don't see why it's such an issue that they legally protect themselves just like every other organisation. I'm quite sure that if they didn't then they'd get blasted for being stupid enough to leave themselves open. In this instance I don't think they'd win either way.
The real issue with them isn't things like this. It clouds real issues like doctrinal matters and out right scandal.