Topics Started by ese
by ese inhi - all these posts re "coming out" seem kind of paranoid or,what's the word or phrase, like delusions of grandeur, i mean no offense with this but it just seems like few jws would care who you are - at least now they wouldn't care if you done left already - am i missing something?
ese's story - a movie of the week special
by ese innot much of as story - raised by extended family - some r jws - never got baptised cuz i always saw the doctrines of men in the "theology" - but have always had a fascination with the religion, but not any anger toward it - i know of a writer who thinks jws and other groups are reptilian aliens and that they seriously messed with some minds - i wonder if that is true - and i read another book that was way different - it was about some jws and some non-jws it is hard to explain but it was pretty good - actually really good - i had to read it in my college contemporary humanities class - .
so i am sort of like the rest of you absent the anger - and unlike those of you who no longer believe in god - i kind of would like to find a religion or a faith or an ideology that truly glorifies god - the one described in the hebrew bible that some of you rank on - maybe that's why i m here - maybe i m looking for god .
any questions
by ese inyo - do u see yourself - obsessing about the wtbts or whatever the hell they call themselves - all this beautiful intellect spent on thoughts of an alleged abuser u all allegedly left - oh my - free yourselves - you didn't leave - u r all in this funky stage of mourning and hatred and realization that not all lovers are true - but, forgive my rambling - i have a question here, what do you think they did to mess with your minds so much that u r still obsessing?