My wedding freedom.
My wedding freedom.
can elders perform marriage ceremonies outside of the hall?
can they use the jw outline?
what rules must they follow?
My mother and step-father got married by an elder at his home. Not sure he had approval but probably....
My mother had invited my roomated (non-JW) and then realizing what she had done wanted to uninvite her...Isn't that horribly rude? I had a hard time explaining that one and felt horrible doing it but I wasn't about to allow my mom to have any more contact with her....
i went to get my hair done and my beautician happens to be a dub.
she has known me and my family for a long time and she has an idea that im "inactive" but thankfully she hasnt been really nosy otherwise i would take my business elsewhere.
anyway, i've long since faded and when i do go to get my hair done i manage to avoid all "jehoober" related conversation and have so far been successful.
You are a stronger person than I.....would have made me so sick hearing that junk that I would have had to leave or say something....
in finding the holiday in dixie treasure.
every year the city i live in puts out clues to find $1000 prize hidden somewhere in the city.
i believe it has to be located somewhere on public property.
There is a museum right next to the planetarium that has an pool in the back that use to have alligators in it. I think it is dry and deserted now but is a museum property considered public property?
in finding the holiday in dixie treasure.
every year the city i live in puts out clues to find $1000 prize hidden somewhere in the city.
i believe it has to be located somewhere on public property.
An early attraction could be near the clue.Anyone have any ideas on what an "early attraction" would be?
in finding the holiday in dixie treasure.
every year the city i live in puts out clues to find $1000 prize hidden somewhere in the city.
i believe it has to be located somewhere on public property.
Okay, here tomorrow's clue....
Day 7AmSouth / Holiday In Dixie Treasure Hunt Clue 8
When discerning the hue, look near something to do. An early attraction could be near the clue.
We didn't have any luck looking for it tonight but we were positive we were in the right area....we were looking around the planetarium that is next to a park, fair grounds, swimming pool, and museum.....we just couldn't find frustrating! I just know it is in that area but it is such a big area...finding it will be tough. Plus, there were a couple of guys that beat us to the area (must have had the same thoughts about it)....but they didn't have any luck and some woman saw my husband looking under a park bench and yelled across the street to him, "it ain't under there"...
We had to quit as soon as it started getting dark. That area of town is dangerous after dark....
Oh, and thanks Blondie...yes that is the website for it...we've been keeping up with it...they update it nightly.....
in finding the holiday in dixie treasure.
every year the city i live in puts out clues to find $1000 prize hidden somewhere in the city.
i believe it has to be located somewhere on public property.
We're on our way to go search around the planetarium...hehe, wish us luck...we need it..
i have a coworker who likes to joke around about me being fired....he actually just started not long ago..i've been there several years now and work at home most of the week.
it was okay the first time he told me he overheard the boss talking about letting me go but now he like to call and tell me i'm fired...the thing is he is kind of under me.
my position is sr. and his is jr. it's kind of getting annoying.
i have a coworker who likes to joke around about me being fired....he actually just started not long ago..i've been there several years now and work at home most of the week.
it was okay the first time he told me he overheard the boss talking about letting me go but now he like to call and tell me i'm fired...the thing is he is kind of under me.
my position is sr. and his is jr. it's kind of getting annoying.
I have a coworker who likes to joke around about me being fired....he actually just started not long ago..I've been there several years now and work at home most of the week. It was okay the first time he told me he overheard the boss talking about letting me go but now he like to call and tell me I'm fired...the thing is he is kind of under me. My position is Sr. and his is Jr. It's kind of getting annoying. He's a really nice guy but the joking around all the time is getting annoying. I almost think he wishes I would leave. He even jokes around that I'm keeping information from him so that he doesn't pass me in the co.
Any suggestions? Should I just shrug it off?
you may find the following rather interesting, especially the last quote:
9/15/50 wt, p.336, ?
experiences in announcing jehovah?s kingdom
Very funny....