This is a good place I guarantee
JoinedPosts by visualt
Time to make my thoughts known......
by R.F. ini have lurked around here for a little while and i've finally seen the need to post.
i'm 22 years old and a ministerial servant and pioneer in my congregation.
i'm not really here to knock the organization, but i must admit that there are some things(ex.
me too
Hi! I'm new here!
by watch the tower inhi i've been checking out this board for a while.
i've finally mustered up the guts to post.
you guys have really helped me to open my eyes.
SAWADDEE every body
i'm new too
The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society is...Outsourcing
by truthseeker ini received news from an elder i know in another congregation.
he told me that things are changing in the way that bethel is running its operations.. i was informed that bethel no longer makes its own ink, but buys it from other companies.. even in the bethel kitchens, there is no more watchtower chicken - meat is bought from outside, this i believe also goes for milk and dairy products too.. can anyone confirm this?
i have reason to believe it is probably true.. i wonder what would happen if the wt suppliers go out of business?
I think it's really
because under this governing body team
every evil thing can happen in WTC -
do you still meeting on Jesus memorial day ??
by visualt indo you still meeting on jesus memorial day ??.
if you say yes...... where are you meeting.
what day in this year 3 apr or 4 apr.
oh ...
Thank everyone 4 reply my question
I leave from WTC. in 1997
because in WTC have The abomination that causes desolation
Matthew 24:15-19So when you see standing in the holy place 'the abomination
that causes desolation,' spoken of through the prophet Daniel
let the reader understand
16then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.
17Let no one on the roof of his house go down
to take anything out of the house.
Let no one in the field go back to get his cloak.
How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers!but with Jesus order I must do memorial day meeting
Luke 22:19And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it,
and gave it to them, saying,
This is my body given for you;
"do this in remembrance of me."then .. since 19 9 7
I do the memorial day meeting in my house with my family
and I hope one day
Jehovah GOD will destroy all false governing body
that they call them self Faithful slave in this timeBye...
visualt -
do you still meeting on Jesus memorial day ??
by visualt indo you still meeting on jesus memorial day ??.
if you say yes...... where are you meeting.
what day in this year 3 apr or 4 apr.
Thank you all for reply me.. in bkk is 4:00 and I must goI hove you all will reply me and your reason
2 morroy I'll be backbye.
e-watchman, thoughts from past topic
by confusedjw ini was looking back and a month ago there was a topic about e-watchman and who he was and why he would expose the wt with one side of his mouth and encourage loyalty with the other side.
i wonder if these might be the reasons.... 1. he himself claims to be of the anointed and truly believes he is helping to expose the "evil slave" amongst jehovah's people.. 2. by encouraging loyalty to the wt he doesn't scare away the numberous active witnesses who read his columns and send in questions.
they read and stay in the congregations.
I've check this blog
do you still meeting on Jesus memorial day ??
by visualt indo you still meeting on jesus memorial day ??.
if you say yes...... where are you meeting.
what day in this year 3 apr or 4 apr.
Check !!
do you still meeting on Jesus memorial day ??
by visualt indo you still meeting on jesus memorial day ??.
if you say yes...... where are you meeting.
what day in this year 3 apr or 4 apr.
Do you still meeting on Jesus memorial day ??
if you say yes.....
where are you meeting
what day in this year 3 Apr or 4 Apr
you all ex-jw? why u still meeting on Jesus memorial day
if you say no .....
why don't you meeting
Thank you very much for answer me
by hawkaw inplease feel free to scroll down to scully's post to see a copy of the letter for you to copy and paste and use click here or please re-look at the first post of this thread for those interested:.
please note this above noted link will be up and running shortly by at least 9:15 est march 12, 2004. there was a problem with the msword file last night and to protect people, things had to be adjust and of course i was not around.
I click
and he sayAccess Denied
Sorry, you do not have permission to access this part of the system. Please contact the system administrator if you believe you should have access.
.... why.. ????