Your reply surprises me. You acknowledge that the Russells were Second Adventists without any hesitation._____
Actually, as I know you are aware, Storrs was NOT a member of the Advent Christian Church. Despite his temporary association with the Life and Advent Union, he is probably more accuracy described simply as just a general Second Adventist._____
Since you put so much stock in Charles Taze Russell, I am interested in your opinions as to how CTR tried to minimize, if not flat out deny, his association with the Second Adventist movement._____
Maybe you woud like to comment on:_____
1. Russell's portrayal that he "just happened" to walk into Jonas Wendell's service in 1868-9._____
2. Russell's statement that the SAs led him to "no truths" (technically correct)._____
3. Russell's failure in his later years to fully and truthfully explain his relationship with Stetson and Storrs._____
4. A.H. Macmillian's obvious lack of understanding of the real historical situation despite his misconception that CTR had filled him in sufficiently to write regarding such, including CTR misleading AHM to the point that AHM thouht that CTR had published "OBJECT" in 1873._____
Edited by - AngryXJW on 29 June 2002 8:56:14
Edited by - AngryXJW on 29 June 2002 8:57:47
Edited by - AngryXJW on 29 June 2002 8:58:46