Yes JW's do help one another in a crisis even if they don't know the people. They will open their homes and give generously. The PROBLEM is with the donations given to the WWW. It was announced at several meetings to put WWW on the checks, NOT the Katrina Hurricane...that way they can spend the money as they see fit. They will help some of the victims with as LITTLE of that money as possible and the rest is banked for use elsewhere. They encourage the witnesses to get all the govenment assistance that they can first and will then help out in extreme cases. So here is the deal...the friends donate to what they think is a fund to assist victims, then they also give them food, clothing, housing, etc. Wow what a deal for the's like they make a killing everytime there is a disaster.
There was a family near me that lost their house to a fire. They were not regular attenders at their local church. However, the church raised enough funds to build them a new house, buy them new clothes, furnish the house, and gave them a generous amount of money for incidentals. Have you ever known of the Society to give MONEY to individuals??? Usually, if someone finds themself without funds, they always ask for donations from the friends at their KH...I have never heard of ANYONE receiving a check from the Watchtower Society! Correct me if I am wrong!!!