There are lots of reasons that some people shouldnt drive. The BAC count is the only way the legal system can document a drivers "level" of inability, in thier opinion.
Too much coffee, anger, in a rush, poor eyesight or hearing... they all contribute to accidents also. None of these can be documented tho, like BAC.
I have told politicians that if they want Prohibition, to just do it. Make it illegal to drink any booze, and that will solve the problem. They laugh and say that it would be political suicide. There is way too much money involved in both the sale of alchohol, and the treatment of abusers. The sad part of it all is that the responsible users are caught up in it.
Personally, I wont have even one beer whan I am on the bike or in my truck. That is my choice tho, since the law is so perverted and I dont wanna go back to jail. DUI checkpoints are unconstitutional yet the emotional ones let them happen. I propose checkpoints in the morning, on the way to work, where you will find a load of DUI's from the night before. Again, I was told that this would not be accepted by the public.
Until a real solution is found, no law will fix the problem. Look at the war on drugs? Another failure.