today in Florence 500,000 people demonstrate against Bush and a possible war against Iraq . vive la Italie!
by Realist 32 Replies latest jw friends
Why not go to Bahgdad and demonstrate against Saddam and his desire for weapons of mass destruction? Will it take another Hitler like millions of innocent deaths for you all to wake up?
This so called "peace" rally will do nothing more than allow Saddam more time to hide weapons or create new ones. If the world community would stand against Saddam, maybe he would see that he shouldn't be seeking these horrible weapons and war could be averted. If all stood against these weapons, maybe we could work towards eleminating them, instead of little jerkwater tyrants seeking and having them.
There must be something real worrisome there for countries like Syria and China to side with the US in the resolution.
Stand strong and united now, or be prepared for an even bloodier battle later on, your choice.
Lew W
I'm with you Lew. These short-sighted people remind me of Neville Chamberlain. Don't recongnize a threat until it's got them by the throat. Thank God for Bush.
Francois, as much as I despised Clinton & Gore, if it were he taking this strong stand, he would have my full support. But, as you mentioned about Neville Chamberlain and also as the Clinton administration did with North Korea, they believe the other side will stick to there agreements. History shows repeatedly that to not be the case.
It utterly amazes me that such people continue to take such soft stances against the tyrants until it is too late, yet take such strong stances against the US wishing to deal with tyrants early on. Of course, once Saddam has and starts using the weapons, who will they turn to for assistance then? You got it, the good old US that they were protesting before.
The only effective way to deal with a bully is to unite and stand against them. Appeasement just fosters their belief of power and allows them grow stronger and then attack the very peace lovers that supported them.
Wake up, people!
Lew W
why is it ok for the Us to have these weapons?
Realist, I, for one, would like to see these weapons totally wiped off the face of the earth. That they were ever invented is regrettable, but a sad fact. However, a major difference in the US and some other nations is that we have no intentions of using them for our expansion or gain. Ones like Saddam are bent on making the world the way he wishes.
I would dearly love to see disarmament, but how can we if others are still producing them? If all the nations that had them stood together against others seeking them and prevented them from also gaining then, maybe their destruction could happen.
So far, the US having them has been a major deterrent from other nations also using them. I feel the time has come to get rid of them, somehow. But, until ones like Saddam are prevented from getting them, that won't happen. That is why I feel a strong united stand would be the best way to avert war and maybe, then the negotiated destruction of them could occur.
Lew W
"However, a major difference in the US and some other nations is that we have no intentions of using them for our expansion or gain."
I wish I could believe that.
Robyn--of the I don't trust any government class
Robyn, I too have a hard time trusting the government. But, where is any sign of expansion of the US forcefully? Fighting Saddam is not about oil, as some claim. Iraqi oil isn't really that important, is it? Too many others have oil for us and the world to purchase.
Historically, the US has fought to liberate many nations from oppression and not one of them is today considered a possession of ours. Yes, governments have been set up in them that were thought to be friendly to us and yes, some of them have turned out to be badguys, but does that excuse their actions and mean they can be left to stand?
If the US were really ever bent on world domination, it would have been easily accomplished right after WW2 when the weapons were available we were so heavily armed. It didn't happen then and it won't happen now.
We are not a perfect nation and we do enjoy more freedom than many do. Helping others to gain that freedom that they desire it is what we really are fighting for, not oil. If Saddam is allowed to gain more weapons of mass destruction, freedom is threatened. If freedom is threatened, how can they be eleminated?
It's been oft said, "democracy is a very bad form of government, but all the others are so much worse."
Lew W
That's the first I heard of that. I know that the US does not have alot of european support It seems as though It is only going to be US and britain however I did hear that syria now supports military action .
I suppose that my mistrust of all governments was instilled in me as a child by the WTS. You make some good points and I will consider them. I still don't trust politicians though.
Edited to add: I love the new pic.
Edited by - robdar on 9 November 2002 14:22:54