Please open your mind to this suggestion. I see a "spirit directed" organization in the WTB&TS, and you equate their 'differing light' as a series of stupidity. You won't deny the WTB&TS is really an organization, will you? I'll bet you're hung-up on the spirited-directed part, am I right? What's to question?
The Watchtower, from early times, has likened itself to a lighthouse-like entity, to the point of making it their masthead magazine's cover illustration for years. The Watchtower's light has differed in its illumination over the decades (putting it as politely as I can word it), just as a lighthouse's light-output differs or flashes to distinguish itself *as* a lighthouse. Ask any sailor: lighthouses are placed on rocky shoals as a warning to prevent a catastrophic shipwreck. They're not something you sail your vessel towards, to the very contrary.
The irony and coincidence going on here is too rich for me to swallow the idea it's mere happenstance or lack of spirit direction. Damn if I don't see spirit-direction at work! Sailor take warning.
Posts by WHO
What prompted the whopper of all Flip Flops? (Sodom & G. resurrection)
by Open mind inin pre-studying my watchtower for this sunday, (with mary's assistance on v's thread of course), i was reminded of something i've wondered about re: the whole "will the residents of sodom & gomorrah be resurrected?
" question.. to my knowledge, this one holds the watchtower record for most number of flip-flops.
please correct me if i'm wrong.
Rego plate with meaning
by freedomfighter inthe day after i was disfellowshipped, i bought a cheap car with my tax refund.. rego imd 151.. just want to have some fun ( i need it today).
i m disfellowshipped.
can somebody please give me a better meaning?.
I'M Drunk?
Rego plate with meaning
by freedomfighter inthe day after i was disfellowshipped, i bought a cheap car with my tax refund.. rego imd 151.. just want to have some fun ( i need it today).
i m disfellowshipped.
can somebody please give me a better meaning?.
In My Dreams?
Is using 10% of our brain just a myth?
by truthseeker inthe society has said many times that we only use 10% of our brains.
they use this assertion to claim that this is part of man's imperfection.. this article attempts to refute that claim.. .>1=10789.
Here's what the master says about it:
Fluffity fluff fluff. Word puzzle, can you solve it?
by RisingEagle ini found this word problem on the net from another website i frequent.
have fun and post your answer below.
There's nothing you're missing -- and nothing's special about seven versus six inches. I just picked a seven-inch dimension to frustrate a Google attack. Any sized sphere greater than seven inches in diameter can be drilled straight through leaving behind a seven inch long hole by precisely adjusting the hole's diameter to suit. A seven inch long hole through a Jupiter-sized sphere would have to have an enormous radius to leave behind only seven inches of planetary surface, but it can be performed mathematically or numerically. A Sun-sized hole would require an even larger hole diameter.
The sphere's volume must be a constant no matter how large or how tiny the hole's radius, otherwise there would be no unique solution to the puzzle; so 49pi works for a seven-inch hole, 36pi works for a six-inch hole and so on. The formula's the same. I love the elegance of the solution to this puzzle. -
Fluffity fluff fluff. Word puzzle, can you solve it?
by RisingEagle ini found this word problem on the net from another website i frequent.
have fun and post your answer below.
Jourles, bro, you think I'd forget to provide a clue to my all-time favorite puzzle? I wouldn't overlook such an important thing as that. Ok, there is one other restriction: no calculus allowed. There are two different ways to solve it.
Here's a clue: there's an answer to the puzzle.
Fluffity fluff fluff. Word puzzle, can you solve it?
by RisingEagle ini found this word problem on the net from another website i frequent.
have fun and post your answer below.
"10990. C'mon, give us a hard one!"
Okay Jourles, try this one. A solid spherical object has a hole drilled through its center (in one side and out the other). The hole is seven inches long. What's the volume of material left in the remaining perforated object?
Songs most likely on OBVES Ipod
by kerj2leev in
this has to be on it!.
You know you laughed.
I HEARD you laugh, you laughed
And laughed and laughed
And then you left,
And now you know I'm Utterly Mad
[chorus 2]
They're coming to take me away,
Haha, they're coming to take me away,
Ho ho, hee hee, ha ha,
To the Happy Home with Trees and Flowers
And Chirping Birds and basket weavers
Who sit and smile and
Twiddle their thumbs and toes
And they're coming to Take me Away,
Any Cops on this Forum? List of Professions. What's payin' the bills?
by NotaNess injust a general question, that's all.. how about:.
firefighters / doctors / plumbers / lawyers / teachers / electricians / students / bartenders / accountants / landscapers / computer techs / fast food workers / military personel / janitors / office administrators / telemarketers / graphic designers / artists / pest control techs / pizza drivers / bar backs / bartenders / waiter/waitresses / managers / carpet cleaners / painters / car detailers / investors.....etc, etc, fingers are out of breathe!.
--and who's retired???.
Cracksman, AKA safeman, safecracker, obfuscator, encrypt/decryptologist, locksmith.
You, sir, are a liar.
Your vision is clouded.
And you're a poseur; real people don't talk like that. You've been watching too many movies.