I believe in the one where the fish turns into Jesus.
JoinedPosts by XQsThaiPoes
Creation or Evolution?
by JH in.
i guess i'll always believe in god and his creation no matter what.. how about you, which side do you lean on...creation or evolution?
The damn Egyptians liked way older women
by gumby inbuncha damn dirty old men i tell ya!.
that's right.....pharaoh liked 70 year old women and so did his buddies ( princes).
gen. chap.12 tells us when abraham entered egypt, the egyptians beheld the woman( sarah ), was "very fair".
Why is a lopsided relation ship (I assume you me one where one person holds all the cards and the other holds few if any) victimization. You make it sound like some type of abuse or some type of crime (Ill kick anyone in their cyber nuts if they derail this into a child molestation thread). Um what about being a parent, joining the military, and go before a Judge in a court room.
For the last 6000 years of recorded history they called this victimization marriage. Disney did not pull snow white and cinderella out of their.... I mean thin air.
Pretend for example you are young and poor in some God forsaken land. Now you can pray to whomever guy in the sky you believe in that some Nato power invades, and your pretty litttle head does not get blown asunder by a rogue smart bomb, or your own homebrew cultural infighting. Pay some gangsters to smuggle you out, and hope they are honest gangsters that won't just sell you to some brothel. Marry some one with more money than you have, and thats if your parents have not already signed you over to some family down the way for some live stock, or at least a plasma screen. Now the feminest egalitarian side of many people would spew out "answers" that resemble nothing from real life.
The most jaded of the liberal advice that would work in real life is illegally imigrate to some good country (a country like los angles for example) get an education and try to hide from homeland security until you have a baby or fall in love and marry some griengo, but wait thats victimization. I guess for people in real life if you aren't born in someplace good you are screwed to picking the best mate you or your boody can afford... oh wait thats what men do here its bicep size or wallete size.
So in context a young woman to a older man is the least damaging thing I could think of socio-economically. I mean the biggest worry is longevity. Then again I know quite a few widows sitting nicely right now. It may actually *gasp* be an incentive to marry an old man.
Are my parents apostate AKA Is WTS alienating babyboomer JWs via new light
by XQsThaiPoes inme and my parents have been getting into fights about religion.
oddly the reason is i am enforcing the wts status quo on issues such as the new blood policy, the doctrine that all that die before big-a are ressurected, that jehovah does not want service motivated by scoldings or bribery, that each person should be free to make up their own mind on their own time, that you don't have to be baptized to survive big-a, that you are counted as a believer if you study, the only required meeting is the memorial, only the 144k have to preach, and that jwism is a belief and as long as you believe it you are a jw regardless of participation.
in one form or another these veiws have been posted in the watchtowers in the last few years.
Me and my parents have been getting into fights about religion. Oddly the reason is I am enforcing the WTS status quo on issues such as the new blood policy, the doctrine that all that die before big-A are ressurected, that Jehovah does not want service motivated by scoldings or bribery, that each person should be free to make up their own mind on their own time, that you don't have to be baptized to survive big-a, that you are counted as a believer if you study, the only required meeting is the memorial, only the 144k HAVE TO preach, and that JWism is a belief and as long as you believe it you are a JW regardless of participation.
In one form or another these veiws have been posted in the watchtowers in the last few years. Yet my parents adamantely dispute many of them. Now according to traditional JW m.o. they are apostate weither they know it or not. THe bigger picture is how many 1975er baby boomer JWs that the WTS has alienated because they did a virtual changing the water in the fish tank while these 50+ jws were raising kids, working minimum wage, and getting out talks. I am sure if the wts issued a written JW test (on these newer amendments) how many JWs in good standing (including elders, pioneers, and MSes) would fail because technically it aint the same religion as it was 25 years ago.
The damn Egyptians liked way older women
by gumby inbuncha damn dirty old men i tell ya!.
that's right.....pharaoh liked 70 year old women and so did his buddies ( princes).
gen. chap.12 tells us when abraham entered egypt, the egyptians beheld the woman( sarah ), was "very fair".
Pretty nice for a 60 year old eh? You should see her figure!
This guy (Kaphre) was dead when they did this for his pyramid (I think thats what it is from since this is a ka figure they made several incase your mummy was destroyed your soul could reside in this thing) and those Pyramids aint no JW quick build I believe he was 50ish in this rendering. BTW the great sphinx was his too. -
The damn Egyptians liked way older women
by gumby inbuncha damn dirty old men i tell ya!.
that's right.....pharaoh liked 70 year old women and so did his buddies ( princes).
gen. chap.12 tells us when abraham entered egypt, the egyptians beheld the woman( sarah ), was "very fair".
Hope I am not jumping in too late but the egyptian monarchy really did like older men and women. Nefertiti and Sarah almost tie in being 60+ and suppossedly eternally beautiful.
Most of the pantings and statues render the elderly kings and queens in the apex of physical health and beauty. So you can look at it two ways. Either the egpytian royalty really was some type of offspring of the gods that never aged until they died, or they took advantage of their make up, ward robe , and astisan popaganda engines knowing the commoner would never get close enought to see them in person at what ever festival they presided over every year or so.
It would seem fitting that a god man would only deserve a godess love interest. So it almost necessitates the hebrew matriarchs be just as sublime.
Unwritten prophecies of JWs,
by Brummie in...that helped the wt to recover after 1975 failure.
all of us could document the written false prophecies of the wtower, 1799, 1874, 1914 -15-18-19-1935-75.by 2000....etc but how about the unwritten ones?
can you document any?.
Did anyone catch the irony of JWs at the hall in 1999 saying that y2k had no "scirptual significance" and that "unlike those dooms day cults (or christiandom) we dont believe in y2k". I thought it was the most Ironic event in any JWs career ever. Finally not only do you have secular hypothesis that doomsday could happen, but you also have "christiandoms" 2000 years since christ birth. And the JWs the penultimate odd man out decide anticipating the end of the world based on some date is BS for "wordly" people. It is like a blank check from a billionare friend on X-mas endorsed "Cash" and you say this must be a joke tear it up, and throw it in the trash.
WTS Double Standard on the Blood Issue
by undercover inhere's a few quotes from the wts website concerning blood:.
i won't bore you with the entire article; i'll just list the things that caught my eye.. http://www.watchtower.org/library/hb/index.htm.
how can blood save your life?.
i did not notice anything new in it.
BB look at the part about the "transfusion trigger" very carefully. In title 1 chapter 7(in windows media player) DR Howard L. Zauder is telling DRs hypothetically to transfuse JWs at 2 or 3 hemoglobin grams per deciliter (this is technically insane for any patient that did not loose blood volume due to trauma such as anemics). If jws cant have transfusions why would a DR need a transfusion trigger. Just to show you what I am saying http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=transfusion+trigger
You are a case in point of what I was saying. Most JWs won't notice or understand that part of the video, but any DR watchting will be confused. See guys BB is a pretty hip JW and he did not even see it. What in MFH are less observant JWs going to think. This is going to suck for any DR that watches the video, and tries to treat the average JW patient accordingly.
WTS Double Standard on the Blood Issue
by undercover inhere's a few quotes from the wts website concerning blood:.
i won't bore you with the entire article; i'll just list the things that caught my eye.. http://www.watchtower.org/library/hb/index.htm.
how can blood save your life?.
This is what the WTS calls primary components. To be a blood fraction in the WTS terminology it would have to be something that is only part of the above.
Note this chart:
http://www.ajwrb.org/images/hlc2.jpg The first tier are the primary components and procedures that are not allowed.The second tier are the fractions of those primary components and the procedures that ARE allowed.
XQ, you could call it a "fraction" but if the WTS does not agree with you, they would consider that you had DA'd yourself.
I am not arguing with you personaly or ajwb, but that chart is dated. THe watchtower allows blood to be removed from the body medicated and put back in. Such as for isotopic tracers.
And how do you answer hemogloulin fractions that contain more hemoglobin than packed RBCs? THe fraction is more of a "primary component" than the banned treatment. Thats like weighing a pound of chicken with bones vs a pound of boneless chicken. Think of it how will a JW reconcile that? I cant. Plasma is totally okay in context too. Platelete fibrin is okay. The only thing that you may have problems with is WBCs, but there are less wbcs in the blood than any of the allowed components other than clotting factor.
THe basically have changed the blood policy by not changing the blood policy. Now that you can't (or at least not suppossed to) ask if the person took any blood products nobody can investigate you. Sure there are people that will not take the four whole classes, but many will be free to take blood and not be penalized for it. Think about how many JWs commit fornication and as long as they keep the secret nobody knows. Now think about blood there is less in the bible about whole blood than fornication. How many rational jws will decide to compromise simply based on the confusion defense. "Well the DR said this part is less than that other part so I took it by aciddent".
Also it is not like the watchtower cares about individuals. That is for the locals to deal with. If several thousand JWs take blood and nothing happens to them it makes a better case PR wise. So even if they are reproved or unofficially shunned the watchtower benifits both ways. Plus how can the elders find out if they are not to talk to you about blood? Can anyone answer that. I am not being cynical I just want to know. If they are told in general to stay out of the medical end the only way I see it is if a jw nurse reports you. Even then they may df the nurse for gossip if the wt laywers think it is best. It would be odd if the blood issue starts to behave like the pedophile scandal. I can see it now a secret list of all the jws that recived blood with out reprisal. Famillies sueing because a family member died for a paper tiger.
WTS Double Standard on the Blood Issue
by undercover inhere's a few quotes from the wts website concerning blood:.
i won't bore you with the entire article; i'll just list the things that caught my eye.. http://www.watchtower.org/library/hb/index.htm.
how can blood save your life?.
But its not a "primary component" if you call it a fraction.
And that sentance conflicts with the rest of the article. I understand what I you are saying but thats like taking opium making it illegal but allowing heroine and morphine to be over the counter drugs (actually that was the first drug law in american history it was in san franciso).
WTS Double Standard on the Blood Issue
by undercover inhere's a few quotes from the wts website concerning blood:.
i won't bore you with the entire article; i'll just list the things that caught my eye.. http://www.watchtower.org/library/hb/index.htm.
how can blood save your life?.
The four primary components are verboten.
Red blood cells
White blood cells
Blood plasma
Blondie umm the thing is these are not "primary" componets of anything. They are classifications. Blood plasma for example is protien water you can add the factors to the albumin (which the wts allows) and make recombinant plasma, but the the concept is so inefficient why bother. THe fibrin glue the wts loves so much is platelete paste. Hemoglobin fractions contain 100% hemoglobin and red cells contain 97%. If you wanted to you can collect the membrain and trans fuse it as a fraction for the extra 3%. There is more albumin than white bloodcells in the blood too.
The blood ban is stupidly over, and just like the cold war it ended in a fizzle instead of a bang. Any JW that can do math and wants to live will take what ever they feel they need (the drs will gladly show you the percentages). Why else would the WTS issue a gag order on jws (including elders, and service dpt questions) in a study article about the subject of fractions? Basically JWs have invented a new thing Kosher blood transfusions.
I mean think of it. If they tell you dont tell anyone your veiw on blood, if you consience allows it you can take "fractions". If the elders, hlc, or whom ever ask you about your medical treatment then you just say what the watchtower wants you to say, "each person has to make their own personal decision according to their bible trained conscience, and I don't wish to stumble anyone by giving my personal veiw". This is the new party line. Acts 15:29 we knew ye well. BTW I just read that scripture. In all my years I had no idea it was a conditional statement. It says if you abstain from these things you will prosper. So the only retribution from fronication, things strangled, blood, and scrificed to idols is not prospering. Weird.
EW I told my dad the same thing if the apostles saw various bags of pale to urine colored liquid they would probally would not understand why you can't take certain ones.