Simon, Rick
I think if you guys would exchange links and put them on your main page it would make it faster for the new comers to learn the truth about the Watchtower.
i just posted this on h2o and though i'd put a copy here as well.... hi rick,.
i just thought it may be appropriate for me to express my appreciation for your site and what you have accomplished over the last few years and i'm sure will continue to do.. like many others, h2o was one of the sites which helped to open my eyes to the watchtower society and beliefs and practices of jehovahs witnesses and realise that there were things seriously wrong which a lot of other people saw as well - it wasn't just limited to our local congregation.. i did participate on h2o occasionally as caliban but never really kept up-to-date with all the posters, personalities and what was going on between them.. the reason i decided to create an alternative forum,, was because at the time it appeared that the very pro-jw community was well served by witnet and the anti-jw's had h2o but that it may have been a bit too much for the 'mildly curious' jw to visit.
my idea was to have a forum more like witnet which would gradually allow more open discussion than was allowed there without being too off putting to many as a way of introducing the issues to them more gently.. i'm sure your views and standpoints have changed over the years and mine have too.
Simon, Rick
I think if you guys would exchange links and put them on your main page it would make it faster for the new comers to learn the truth about the Watchtower.
i was just wondering about most of you guys.
since you aren't jws anymore, what are your beliefs now?
have you rejected the bible as a whole?
I was an atheist then I became a JW at my age of 20. I was so happy. I always inclouded in my prayers that I want to know the truth. After 10 hard years I realized what I learned from the Watchtower was not the truth. It was the biggest rip off of my life so far. It was a big setback in my faith in God. I still like the hones way of life but I hate all religion. I can't trust the Bible! I am sure about one life only. This one, and I will take good care of it. I don't care if I will be slaughtered just becouse I am not a blind fanatic.
you can negotiate with a terrorist.. -----------------------------------.
Most of my elders were Spiritual Terrorists!
i was thinking about this the first time today.
when jesus introduced the memorial celebration he didn't invite all his deciples.
only the apostoles were present.
Easy to say get familiar with the Bible. I tried to do it for 10+ years and I found that the Bible is one of the hardest books to understand. It'a like quantum phisics.
What I realy meant to say in my first posting is that only the Apostles where present at the first memorial celebration.(it was a closed meeting not a public event like the Watchtower does it.) At that time Jesus had lot more followers than the Apostoles. Jet they were not there. And it was OK!
The Watchtower is abusing the brothers and systers because they demand everyone to be there. It is a sin if you miss it. I you are not there all the congregation will look at you as spiritually weak.
i was thinking about this the first time today.
when jesus introduced the memorial celebration he didn't invite all his deciples.
only the apostoles were present.
I was thinking about this the first time today. When Jesus introduced the memorial celebration he didn't invite all his deciples. Only the apostoles were present. No doubt there were many baptised Chrisians by then. Why is it that the Watchtower is so obsessed with this whole thing? It is so important to JWs that even many of the inactive and dissfellowshiped ones attend.
jehovah is a cool guy, helping jws to get stinking rich.. "i would like to thank my god, jehovah, for giving me the strength to compete today since you guys were a little tough on me today," said williams, who picks up a check of $330,0000.
the story can be found here:.
I am happy for their success. Can you imagine how much pressure they had to endure from their elders and the congregation for not putting Watchtower interest first place in their lives! They earned their money with hard work. They are a fine example of courage. They don't let the Watchtower Corporation to dominate their lives. GO GIRLS GO!
universal declaration of human rights.. article 19.. everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
forbiding you from reading apostate material is an abuse of human rights.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Article 19.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Forbiding you from reading apostate material is an abuse of Human Rights.
i am new to this site.
i just want to say that its great, always nice to know that you're not alone in the fight.
i wish all current jws could be forced to sit and read through all these posts just once.....but thats dreaming, i guess.. it seems that from the psychological aspect the experience can be horrible.
To Orbison
I have the following 11 page MS Word Document. It is too long to cut and paste here. Give me your email address and I will send it to you.
Research Branch
Written and Compiled by Susan Alter - Law and Government Division
15 September 1992
this question is specifically asked of jw-apologists, but anyone's response is greatly appreciated.. is all evil in the world the result of humankind's sin?.
the watchtower teaches that the earth is old (in agreement with science), but that humankind is young (6,000 years as of 1975).
since they wish to have an old earth however, it is necessary to say that each day of creation is longer than an actual day- various figures are given i believe.. i believe i am correct in saying that the logical conclusion must be that animals existed for a long time prior to the events in the garden of eden and the sinning of human beings.
To Farkel
I liked your comment about the the flaming sword.
I am wondering what you mean by:
"Doesn't it also bother any Bible literalists that God told the first lie in the Garden of Eden?"
wednesday march 28 7:18 pm et.
tbilisi, georgia (ap) - georgian orthodox church activists on wednesday burned books printed for the local jehovah's witnesses community as police stood by and watched in the second such incident this month.. the book burning by members of the christian society, an orthodox group, took place near the outdoor market in the city of rustavi, some 30 miles west of the georgian capital, tbilisi.. christian tresber, an adviser for jehovah's witnesses in georgia, said the orthodox activists stole the books tuesday after breaking into an apartment building where jehovah's witnesses gathered for prayer.. local police did not intervene as the activists burned books for about three hours, rustavi-2 television reported.. earlier this month, a defrocked orthodox priest and several dozen followers broke into a printing house and burned copies of a book printed for a jehovah's witness community, news reports said.
Wednesday March 28 7:18 PM ET
TBILISI, Georgia (AP) - Georgian Orthodox Church activists on Wednesday burned books printed for the local Jehovah's Witnesses community as police stood by and watched in the second such incident this month.
The book burning by members of the Christian Society, an Orthodox group, took place near the outdoor market in the city of Rustavi, some 30 miles west of the Georgian capital, Tbilisi.
Christian Tresber, an adviser for Jehovah's Witnesses in Georgia, said the Orthodox activists stole the books Tuesday after breaking into an apartment building where Jehovah's Witnesses gathered for prayer.
Local police did not intervene as the activists burned books for about three hours, Rustavi-2 television reported.
Earlier this month, a defrocked Orthodox priest and several dozen followers broke into a printing house and burned copies of a book printed for a Jehovah's Witness community, news reports said. The same group burned several tons of Baptist literature in the town of Mtskheta.
Jehovah's Witnesses have sought to be recognized as an official religious denomination in Georgia, and they were registered by a district court in Tbilisi. But another court later annulled the registration, and the Supreme Court upheld that ruling this month.
The Supreme Court said no religious group can be registered in the absence of a Georgian law on religion, which remains in the works.
Church leaders in Georgia, Russia and other predominantly Orthodox Christian countries of the former Soviet Union have decried the influx of foreign religious groups since the 1991 Soviet collapse.