Toronto Sun - September 1, 2002
Edited by - Apostate on 1 September 2002 11:58:2
toronto sun - september 1, 2002 .
edited by - apostate on 1 september 2002 11:58:2.
Toronto Sun - September 1, 2002
Edited by - Apostate on 1 September 2002 11:58:2
posted: august 28, 2002.
1:00 a.m. eastern.
I am doubting the accuracy of the info above. Microsoft alone worth about 500 billion (1/2 trillion). The arabs don't know how to make money. They only sell oil.
US would have never paid so much money (1/3 of the value of it's economy) to the Saudies. They would have developed alternative fuel to gasoline or get the oil from Canada instead. (Canada has huge oil fields, near the amount of the Arab oil fields all together.
The financial world is owned by the jews (free masons) living all around the world. The Arabs are lazy. What did they contribute to the society? Those Arabs countries who doesn't have oil did not advanced since Jesus' time. They still ride donkeys, the only advancment they made is that they carrie machine guns on their soulders.
They don't allow their women (half of their work force) to work. They pray five times every day. Can you imagane the amount of time they waste doing it over the decades or centuries? If they wouldn't have oil they would starve like the Africans.
I think they playing with the fire to mess with the jews. Since by far the most riches and influential people in the modern world are jews, they could easily influance most European countries together with North-America to turn against the Arabs.
All the modern world has to do is to develop new energie source and the Arabs would slowly destroy themselves. These guys try to destroy the US, their cash cow.
seen as putting photos on the net is popular, i thought it would be great idea to post pictures of your desktop on this site.. heres mine.
just curious to hear others thoughts on this matter.
first of all, until a few years ago, no one knew what we now know about the organization.
we couldn't talk to anyone about doubts, or anything that would go against the organization, even to someone close, "in the know".
If I knew some of the things I learned on this board before I got baptised I would have never become one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Thanks to the Internet I am out.
I hope someday, somebody will start a spamming campaign to reveal the dishonesty of the Watchtower. The spamming tools are out there freely downloadable from the Internet.
Now, that would make a big mess for the Watchtower. Most JWs know that a church must be absolutely honest and loving to be approved by God. If they would see what is going on in secret they would leave.
I feel people need to know the true face of this abusive organization before they can decide if they want to join or not. Most people wouldn't.
Wide publicity is the most demaging thing to the Watchtower.
should you be easygoing?
most people would probably feel that it is a compliment to be thought of as an easygoing person, one with a relaxed, placid, tolerant nature.
however, there is another side to easygoingness.
Jesus encouraged his followers to be like children.
What a mess!
i just heard this on the news, has anyone else heard it?
i can't find info about it on the web.
i think they said 6 jws were kidnapped, 2 beheaded now.
These muslims are so stupid!
They should keep the JWs alive and learn mind control tactics from them.
They could learn how to brain wash muslims to be more fanatics.
They where after me for checking out apostate web sites. I coted them Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
All 168 member countries of the UN accepted the Human Rights and designed they laws to honor it. I also told them that if they dissfellowship me for that I will write a letter showing that they are abusers of the Human Rights and that they faulty policies like baning organ transplants and many years later quietly removing the ban caused many deaths and tremendous sufferings. I told them I will email this letter to millions of people around the world every day using spamming software.
They called me in for a judicial hearing a week later. They were super nice with me. They told me: Brother Apostate, the society does not forbid me from reading apostate literature, they only discourage it because of the possible spiritual harm I may suffer reading apostate lies.
Than I reminded tham about the wich hunt they put one of my friends trough just a couple of years earlier for reading apostacy. They did not say a thing and the meeting was over.
a friend offered this as a possible new silentlambs logo.
what do you think?.
Without the URL ( ) the logo does not have much meaning for most people.
then you must... know the truth!
thus, as my lord said, "you will know the truth... and the truth... will set you free.
therefore, if the son (the truth) sets you free, you will truly be free!
I accepted the Bible as the word of God because when I begun studying it, it looked so complex, so full of wisdom that I knew neither I nor anyone else I knew could have written such a book.
After studying it for almost a decade I realized it is like a poisoned food. It contains "lots of nutrition" but taking it in makes people sick, even kills many of them. In my opinion the Bible is a very abusive book. Definitely not written to be understood easily.
Since than I realized just because it seems so complex, so full of wisdom it doesnt mean that a group of smart people could not have written it.
Thinking about the skyscrapers of New York City, the space shuttle, computer networks etc. No one human could ever make these things happen but if you give enough time, money and resources to a group of smart people they can come up with seemingly impossible tasks without Gods help.
The Bible could be written by a group of very smart people. Some people realized it long time ago that if they figure out how to control others mind they can benefit from it greatly. The Bible designed to do just that. Mess up peoples mind, create a virtual reality full of nice promises coupled with fears. The Bible is full of spiritual abuse.
You must do this or else
everytime a new revelation comes to the board, some suggest that this is the big one.
whether it be the blood issue, the u n debacle, the silentlambs saga, some cryptic comment about jw's and their involvement with churches, it seems like nothing effects the jehovah's witnesses rank and file.
Most schools in western countries have access to the Internet. Kids learn to use the Internet to research on everything they want to know about. The nex generation will not be so vulnerable to mind control as most of us were. The Watchtower slowly loses it's "magic" (mind control)