Bible: God's Word?/ WTBTS: The Truth?

by AGuest 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    May you all have peace!

    Down the board a bit, Gumby asked the question, "Is the Bible Really the Word of God?" It appears that he asked in sincerity, and many attemped to answer, in sincerity... whether they were certain of their answers or just giving their thoughts. At any rate, while some said "yes," many said "no." I would like, at this time, if you will permit me, to respond. Please rest assured that my response will be honest, without deceit, and it is what I 'received' from my Lord, the Son of God, whose name is JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH.

    The Bible is NOT the Word of God; however, the Bible itself TELL us what... or rather WHO... that Word is:

    John 1:1, 14; Revelation 19:13

    This is the SAME One... that is also the TRUTH... contrary to lies and propaganda of the 'false christs (anointed) and false prophets' who call THEMSELVES the Truth.

    John 14:6

    Such ones have 'seated THEMSELVES in the seat of Moses,' having made THEMSELVES the mediator between God and man, and thus 'disowning the very owner that BOUGHT them.'

    Matthew 23:2, 3

    Do you want to know God, dear ones? Then you MUST... KNOW THE TRUTH! For it is NOT 'by taking in knowledge', but by KNOWING GOD... AND THE ONE WHOM HE SENT FORTH... that you will gain everlasting life. It is not merely a knowledge OF... for the demons believe... and shudder... but it is KNOWING... and being known BY... these... the Father AND the Son.

    Thus, as my Lord said, "You will know the TRUTH... and the TRUTH... will set you free. Therefore, if the SON (the Truth) sets you free, you will truly BE free!"

    So, how do you come to KNOW God? By knowing Christ! And how do you come to KNOW Christ? By reading the Bible? I beg of you: hear and get the SENSE of my Lord's words when he was recorded to have said:

    "You are searching the SCRIPTURES... because you THINK that by means of THEM... you will have everlasting life. And THESE (the scriptures)... are the very ones... that bear witness... ABOUT ME. Yet... you do not want to COME TO ME... that you may have life and have it in abundance."

    John 5:39, 40

    For did you not read and have you not heard his words when he said:

    "Come to ME... all you who are toiling and loaded down. Take MY yoke... is LIGHT and MY load... refreshing."

    Matthew 11:28

    And did you not read and have you not heard his words when he said:

    "If anyone is thirsty... let him COME TO ME... and DRINK!"

    John 7:37, 38

    For HE is the One from whom flows "fountains of waters of life"... HOLY SPIRIT... 'like a fountain bubbles up [within one] to IMPART... EVERLASTING LIFE."

    How do you do it? You HEAR! For his sheep KNOW his voice! You listen, and you HEAR... the invitation that issues forth STILL... as the Spirit AND the Bride KEEP saying:

    "Come! Take 'life's water'... free!"

    Revelation 22:17

    All you who are wishing... all you who are thirsting... all you who are HEARING...

    "Come! Take 'life's WATER'... which is the life force, the regenerative 'juice', the SPIRIT of the Almighty God, the Holy One of Israel, whose name IS... JAH OF ARMIES... come take such 'water' free!

    DRINK... from the 'cistern' that is the Christ. For indeed, "out from HIS 'inmost parts'... STREAMS of living water will flow". For HE is the TREE, the TRUE VINE, the ROOT OF JESSE, from whom the "river of water of life"... flows.

    There is no other, dear ones. No other Word. No other Truth. No other Way. And no other Life.

    May the one that has ears to hear, HEAR what the spirit says:

    KISS THE SON... that you may gain the TRUE life!

    A servant to the Household of God that is Israel, and ALL those that go with them... and a slave of Christ, to time indefinite,


    Edited by - AGuest on 10 August 2002 1:24:30

    Edited by - AGuest on 10 August 2002 1:38:47

    Edited by - AGuest on 10 August 2002 1:39:58

  • plmkrzy

    Hello SJ, You hardly post anymore it seems. But appearently you are still reading.

    I would like you to maybe expand on this statement a bit more if you would

    This is the SAME One... that is also the TRUTH... contrary to lies and propaganda of the 'false christs (anointed) and false prophets' who call THEMSELVES the Truth.

    Am I understanding you correctly? You are not speaking of the "anointed" in general but issolating it to those who "Profess" to be anointed and place themselves in a position in frot of men as being the direct channel to God?

    Also your comment:

    The Bible is NOT the Word of God; however, the Bible itself TELL us what... or rather WHO... that Word is:

    You are recognizing that Christ is the "Word" of God?


    btw, nice to see you post once in a while I always find your responses interesting.

  • DakotaRed

    AGuest, I did not ask that question, Gumby did. I merely presented my views on it. I have some real problems accepting it as totally the word of God right now. I hate the way man has misused it throughout history to get over on his fellow man and women, especially.

    Man wrote it, translated it and compiled it. Supposedly, all of it was inspired by God, but 6 books have been deleted since it was compiled by man, supposedly under the direction of God. If God was directing the compilation of it in the first place, why did he need to bring other men in over a millenia later to correct it?

    Lew W

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Hey don't you know the bible is the word of God because it say so in the bible. This always seems like a circular logic to me. Same argument as I am God because I told you I was. All great religions have their holy books and they all believe their book to be inspired also. So who is right or wrong?? I choose to not look at any book as being inspired but take out of those books what I can to build a better life for myself.


  • AGuest

    Dearest Plumkrzy... may you have peace!

    You ask: Am I understanding you correctly? You are not speaking of the "anointed" in general but issolating it to those who "Profess" to be anointed and place themselves in a position in frot of men as being the direct channel to God?

    Yes, you are correct. The word "christ" actually means "anointed"; thus, "christians" are "anointed people/persons" (christ persons). Or mischa-Jah's ('chosen/anointed' of Jah). And indeed MANY false christs and false prophets 'have gone into the world... to mislead... IF POSSIBLE... even the chosen ones." Because we are children of light, drawn therefore TO light (which is supposed to be THE Light - John 1:9; 8:11), we are also drawn to the one who 'keeps transforming himself into an angel of light'... and those who belong to him. If, however, we remember that the sheep do NOT 'listen to the voice of strangers', but KNOW the voice of the Fine Shepherd and listen only to IT... we will not be misled... by wolves in sheep's clothing... or 'hired men'.

    John 1:10-15; 27

    Dearest Dakota Red... oops! My bad! I've corrected my error... and wish you peace!

    You ask: If God was directing the compilation of it in the first place, why did he need to bring other men in over a millenia later to correct it?

    God did not, dear one, direct the compilation of "it" (meaning the Bible). Rather, He directed the writing of SCRIPTURE... which is NOT the Bible! The Bible, indeed, CONTAINS 'scripture'... but it also contains a lot more. "Scripture" is that which is "inspired", that which is written when the writer is "in the SPIRIT"... and directed BY God... to write. Thus, the scriptures contained in the Bible are LIMITED to: Moses, the Prophets, the Psalms... and the Revelation. Everything else are histories, chronologies, records and personal accounts (and with regard to Luke, it is not inspired, nor personal - Luke wrote because he was commissioned by THEOPHILUS, NOT God, and he got his information from "eyewitnesses"... other PEOPLE... and NOT God. Thus, neither Luke nor the Acts of the Apostles were "inspired", as Luke was not IN THE SPIRIT when he wrote them, nor was he directed by God, but by man, to write).

    And God did NOT tell us to read the Bible. Rather, He told US: "This is my son, the beloved. LISTEN... to HIM." That is why it is recorded for the Hebrews that God, 'who long ago spoke by means of the Prophets, speaks to us TODAY... by means of a SON!"

    Hebrews 1:2

    Thus, rather than listening the One whom God APPOINTED to lead us, to mediate between Him and us, we instead, allow ourselves to "put [our] trust in earthling man, to whom NO salvation belongs," and in whom we were told NOT to put our trust in. We cannot, therefore, blame God. It's all there: who we should listen to... and whom we should not.

    Again, I bid you both peace,

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    Dearest William... peace to you!

    You said: "the bible is the word of God because it say so in the bible"...

    perhaps quoting someone else's circular reasoning. May I give you the following in DIRECT response to what the BIBLE says, and not what someone SAYS the Bible says? Thank you... and peace to you!

    John 1:1; John 1:14; Revelation 19:13

    THAT's what the BIBLE... says.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • LDH


    Please drop me a line when you get settled: I'd like to come visit.

    You know I don't believe in this stuff anymore, but if I did, I sure like your version of "The truth" better than I like the WT version of "The Truth."

    Love ya,


  • DakotaRed

    AGuest, you say God inspired the writing of scripture, as all religions claim. However, who inspired the compilation of these scriptures into the book known as the Bible? It was the early Catholic Church that compiled it and they compiled it with 73 books, not 66. Supposedly also under inspiration from the same God, other men came along and removed 6 of those books as not inspired. If God was directing the compilation in the first place, why did he need to have it corrected later?

    Also, since languages change and the definition of words change over time, why isn't the original meanings of words used today as they were used 2,000 years ago? I have written to the publishers of Strongs in the past and questioned new definitions of words and received a reply that it was a new definition. Could not using new definitions change the meaning of scriptures?

    One thing that has kept me from totally rejecting the Bible is read it from the standpoint of a Jew, since it was primarily Jewish men who wrote it. Try it sometime and you are bound to get a whole different light on it.

    Lew W

  • plmkrzy

    Dackota that reminded me of something I have to go look for it now. Regarding "from the stand point of a Jew"

    Hope i can find it.

  • DakotaRed

    Actually, Plm, it was a recommendation from Professor Anthony Buzzard, author of the book, "The Doctrine of the Trinity, Christianity's Self Inflicted Wound." By trying to look at it from the minds of those that actually wrote it, a lot of things make more sense to me.

    Lew W

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