Ok im confused.you were d,fed for Adultery right? If so,why is everyone condemning the D,fed action! If ive got it wrong i apologize.I actually agree with disfellowshipping if People are personally hurt bad in what ever way.But not for consensual relationships between 2 free parties. I've noticed this before,everyone is so quick to condemn the Jw,s they forget any innocent,hurt parties.
I think maybe if you read the responses through you'd be less confused. The subject is her Mom asking for their relationship to change, but not being willing to meet even part way (i.e. she will continue to shun her daughter). The question back to Mom was "What does that mean, it sounds like you want me (and sis) to change but you won't. That doesn't make sense, can you clarify?"
What Mom clarified with was a whole lot of stuff around the Bible and essentially saying "don't slam my beliefs, but your beliefs suck (even though she apparently has no idea what those beliefs are) and can't promise you what my beliefs can so why don't you come back like a good girl and do what you know you're supposed to and then we can have a happy relationship again."
Mom doesn't want a better relationship based on current reality, she wants things to go back to how they were. Understandable, but not very realistic if she's really listening to her daughter. I think most people here are slamming the "typical" JW response of hearing only what they want to, not the JWs themselves. I could be reading it wrong, though.
As for your agreeing with disfellowshipping, well that's your opinion and you're welcome to it. I venture to guess that you're not the victim of it, though...I thought it was reasonable too, until I disassociated under NO cloud or disfellowshipping offense and am now treated like persona non grata by ex-friends and family. When I left I still believed in all the JW doctrine, and simply wanted to be left alone to heal emotionally, something I couldn't do as a JW. I was an innocent and very hurt party, and made my choice to leave with the duress of never seeing my remaining family again. Believe me, that decision wasn't made lightly. My point is, however, that I was no more a danger to their spirtuality than a member of the GB. Oh wait...
The only reason (and I mean the ONLY reason) the disfellowshipping rules are in place today is for the benefit of the WTS...because if JWs "in" found out what those who get "out" know, they'd lose their cult-control. They don't care what relationships they ruin in the process. My 2 cents.