Annie: Hi!
Can you believe those words, "DETACH YOURSELF FROM YOUR EMOTIONS" came from the voice of a CO, to my dad?
-and although some are sick of hearing about, he took the guy's advice.
in view of the recent ban in russia, and the statement that the government feels that the wts is considered harmful and dangerous, my thoughts are these;
i think that anyone or anything that purposely tampers with the very fabric of people's families, is dangerous, but that's just the way i see it.
maybe this sounds extreme, but then the watchtower society is extreme, and too, i speak from personal experience.. .
Annie: Hi!
Can you believe those words, "DETACH YOURSELF FROM YOUR EMOTIONS" came from the voice of a CO, to my dad?
-and although some are sick of hearing about, he took the guy's advice.
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jehovah's witnesses"faith of our fathers: part one, were the early christians jehovah's witnesses?
Hi Farkel:
I do agree with your comments about Jerry Bergman's book. I did find it very repetitive in thoughts (maybe OCD?) and comes from his JW background in the Theocratic School with that old "repetition for emphasis" idea!
I appreciated it because it was the first work that came to my view on this subject and I couldn't believe a whole book had been written on the topic confirming things that I'd already suspected. I am relatively new here myself so have not had the opportunity yet to see previous threads etc. related to Jerry Bergman - when I did a search on-line with his name I did find alot of other materials he has written too that were informative. If throwing the title out there can assist any one to consider this issue, I'm happy to have put my 2 cents in.
Would anybody like to go to a JW shrink? It is interesting.
Yours in good health,
in view of the recent ban in russia, and the statement that the government feels that the wts is considered harmful and dangerous, my thoughts are these;
i think that anyone or anything that purposely tampers with the very fabric of people's families, is dangerous, but that's just the way i see it.
maybe this sounds extreme, but then the watchtower society is extreme, and too, i speak from personal experience.. .
Typical JWcultspeak
: "Detach yourselves from your emotions" - no, thank you. They contribute to my color in life which is something more vibrant now than ever.
I believe the topic of this thread was HARMFUL OR DANGEROUS? If you want to continue your conversation about banning JW's, I know that is on another thread with the title of JW'S BANNED IN RUSSIA.
Life is not miniscule. Is yours?
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jehovah's witnesses"faith of our fathers: part one, were the early christians jehovah's witnesses?
Hi Atilla,
" What is normal?" My dad used to ponder that question. We are all unique, colorful individuals and when you can feel free to express that individuality - you will be joyful!
Best to you,
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(now, where do you where those ties these days?)
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jehovah's witnesses"faith of our fathers: part one, were the early christians jehovah's witnesses?
Hi cyber-sista -
I second that GOOD HEALTH TO YOU!
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jehovah's witnesses"faith of our fathers: part one, were the early christians jehovah's witnesses?
Hi pc :
My heart goes out to your relative's son - it's can be very difficult to approach this topic from the angle of intimating that the JW lifestyle may be responsible for at least some of the problems presenting. I've been there - until a person can come to the realization that, gee maybe it is the cause of my problems, they will just continue to suffer.
When we struggled with the matter of forcing kids to go to the meetings, (and many of you know what THAT is like, a topic in itself), we were inclined to allow our son to stay home, usually he WAS sick - sometimes the SICKNESS starts the day before, and it is REAL - the whole, mind/body connection - I was under the conclusion that -I DON'T NEED A DEAD KID. He knew himself so well and here we were forcing him to shove HIMSELF aside so as to make an appearance at a place that was killing him. Of course, those in the lead will view your whole family as "spiritually weak" and "mark" you and your kid, no associates etc. - which really helps the matter, doesn't it?
The elders will try to practice "psychology" without a license of course, and offer you the usual line of ---- about what you SHOULD be doing, ie: More!.
The whole org-cult is playing with people's minds/bodies. I only hope for more people to find their genuine selves and live the life they deserve.
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jehovah's witnesses"faith of our fathers: part one, were the early christians jehovah's witnesses?
Yes, ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS here are a huge source of the problems expereinced by, IMHO, a large majority of JW's. That is why I feel the lifestyle/belief system is so dangerous. There is mental illness in my family, bipolar etc. but we know for a fact that the struggles for some have been from the whole mindset, obsessive activity level expected, etc................a very deep subject. My own son, was unwell for much of his life and manifested physical symptoms such as irritable bowel syndrome, chronic urticaria (hives), depression, learning struggles -- ALL of these problems have departed to a major degree since we allowed him to listen to himself, since 15 yrs old, and stop the JW racing schedule. For two years now, he has been happy, going to school, working part time and getting free of the damaging effects of the org. He was our impetus to make our break.
Listen to your inner self and when you find the real truth, follow it, and you will be set free.
Warm regards,
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jehovah's witnesses"faith of our fathers: part one, were the early christians jehovah's witnesses?
Jerry Bergman's book was not part of the course materials so all the JW''s attending are basically on their own to figure it out. We are absolutely stymied to understand how this sister can be so involved as instructor of this class and not catch on herself ??? We do want to deliver a copy of the book to her at the next session in June.
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jehovah's witnesses"faith of our fathers: part one, were the early christians jehovah's witnesses?
A must read is Jerry Bergman's book:
"Jehovah's Witnesses and the Problem of Mental Illness."
It is highly enlightening and discussed all the mental illness conditions that are found in every cong worldwide, from depression, anxiety, panic attacks, social anxiety, eating disorders, obsessive compulsiveness, schizophrenia, paranoia...... AND HOW THE CULT PREDISPOSES MEMBERS TO DIFFICULTIES.
Attending a 12 -week (1x a week) nationwide program offered by the NAMI organization (Nat'l Alliance of Mental Illness) called the Family to Family Program was beneficial to my family in learning how to deal with family members who are struggling with mental illness. They also offer a course for those who themselves struggle with mental illness. All of their materials are wonderful in educating people on this subject.
Interesting to note: In the local class of NAMI that we attended, there were enrolled 6 JW's out of 20 students from around the community. The class is offered throughout the year, and each session has multiple numbers of JW's in attendance. One of the two instructors is a local sister whose own family (JW's) are severely afflicted and diagnosed/medicated.
I'm really condensing this info - My husband and I attended the class BEFORE making the connection between MI and JW's in any conclusive way.
When it finally CLICKED in our minds, there was no stopping the research we did on these matters and we found Jerry Bergman's book among many other resources. We were dealing with my afflicted JW father, who unfortunately did end up taking his life. We had shared the information/education we had learned from the NAMI class with an elder who showed a particular interest. He said that it was difficult for him many times in judicial cases, to go through with DF'ing when the person obviously was afflicted in some way - but the ax would come down anyway. We had several discussions with him and were told that the course materials were also shared with a CO. The possibility of having some kind of specific training offered to elders on this subject of mental illness was mentioned by him - altho he doubted it would come to fruition. He felt changes would have to be made in the way the materials discussed the subject ??????? Anyway, the education this class provided ,opened our eyes to the fact that we needed to run from the organization.
If you are suffering, I encourage you to seek out professional help and learn all you can about MI. I will be happy to help in any way possible.