I feel for ya Stumpy, and Mrs. Stumpy. I've been on an emotional rollercoaster for some time now. Getting to your question to your wife about whether or not JW's have "the truth", I think that the organization sets themselves up for failure right there. By labeling what you have as "the truth", you had better bring it, and they don't. They have "some truths", but not "THE TRUTH" as they claim. As long as you blindly believe whatever they present as the one and only truth, as most do, never questioning, you are fine. It is when you open those eyes and start noticing things that things really get hard. I honestly think that if we could discuss openly the truths that we find that contradicted "THE TRUTH", and that if the organization as a whole had the humility to say that they really don't know on this or that instead of trying to predict things or read into things, then maybe someday I could find a place in the organization. But I can't sit there and listen to people spread hurtful untruths at the meetings, all the while claiming them as "THE TRUTH", and espousing such vitriol to others in the world simply because they don't believe the exact same way. Beliefs are mere thoughts, not the measure of who a person truly is. It reflects more as to what that person was taught than who they are.
I was recently reading "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle, and although I don't agree with all of it, he really speaks to the difference between the ego and who we really are. He gets into organized religion and the "collective ego" that it breeds, wherein all involved identify so much with their thoughts and belief structures that they simply cannot discuss openly any challenges to those structures because it is really questioning who they are at that point, which they cannot handle. THAT is the JW organization as a whole, all about thoughts and uniformity and identification with such, not open minded seekers of truth that are allowed to be who they are individually within the structure of the organization. When I lurked here I always thought that those calling us "The Borg" was so fitting. It is a tough place to be once you wake up. For now I just don't have a place where I fit in entirely, and I finally feel like that's okay, because I get to be me, not some robot version of me.
Just remember, anything you decide today isn't permanent. Life is a filmstrip, not a snapshot. One moment doesn't necessarily define you. You'll go through stages of grief with this like anything else. You just lost something HUGE in your life. I'm not sure you ever get over it, you will learn how to manage those feelings better though, and time heals a lot of wounds. You don't have to decide anything today, just take your time and leave it in Jehovah's hands if you still have faith in Him, or leave it in the hands of time.