JoinedPosts by dubstepped
This thread is for proof that God exists
by juandefiero inhowever, i haven't found any evidence to support that belief.. have you?
if so please, show me the evidence that god exists, and i will believe along with you.. criteria:.
(1) you must specify which god you are talking about;.
What does it say about love that it cannot be proven conclusively? Hey, the Bible says that God is love. Maybe neither are real. -
Narcissistic personality disorder and the dubs
by purrpurr ini've recently started to research npd.
having identified several of my family members as having it ( no wonder we're such a ¿***#@**!!!!
up family)there's huge similarities between the borg and individual members of the cong as well i've noticed.the over whelming love of self, the need to believe in a grandiose fictional version of themselves, always striving for more power and wealth, being unable to stand any criticism, and then there's the manipulation of the victims too.i could be wrong i guess but what thoughts do you guys have about it?
@slimboyfat - I never said that I had NPD or that anyone else said so. I am a recovering narcissist, in that I formerly possessed many narcissistic traits and probably always will fight them (much like perfectionism, another mindset that I've fought for years). As stated by another poster above, there's a huge difference between true narcissistic personality disorder and simple narcissism.
With regard to psychology, I think classifying it as "hedging its bets" is quite harsh. I would certainly hope that it allows for things like gray areas and disorders the lie on spectrums because we humans aren't simple binary creatures that can be easily placed in a well defined box. People don't work that way. It is an inexact science. There is a lot of judgement involved as humans do their best to help other humans.
Why the Deficit at the Circuit Assembly?
by JT-LadyC inhave you ever wondered why there is always a deficit at the circuit assembly?
did you realize that before the program begins, the circuit is already in the red?
many of the friends thought they were paying for the use of the building and covering the costs of the utilities, etc.
Nice video. I went and watched some more of your videos. You both do quite well with them and my wife and I enjoyed them. Thanks for sharing. -
This thread is for proof that God exists
by juandefiero inhowever, i haven't found any evidence to support that belief.. have you?
if so please, show me the evidence that god exists, and i will believe along with you.. criteria:.
(1) you must specify which god you are talking about;.
It seems from the derisive attitude toward people that believe in something that cannot conclusively be proven or disproven, that rather than being atheists many here are more anti-theists. There's so much mocking thrown at others for their beliefs. It reminds me of my J-dub days, making fun of (insert name of religion here) for their absurd beliefs, looking down on them for not seeing what we saw then as obvious and unequivocal truth. I totally get why people would be anti-God, anti-religion, etc. after life as a dub. I think I'm trying to embrace anti-certainty, no longer needing to declare anything as absolute truth, being curious. I had my fill of beating my chest as the guy that knew what was right, lording over those that were "wrong". Leaving " the truth " was humbling in ways. -
Narcissistic personality disorder and the dubs
by purrpurr ini've recently started to research npd.
having identified several of my family members as having it ( no wonder we're such a ¿***#@**!!!!
up family)there's huge similarities between the borg and individual members of the cong as well i've noticed.the over whelming love of self, the need to believe in a grandiose fictional version of themselves, always striving for more power and wealth, being unable to stand any criticism, and then there's the manipulation of the victims too.i could be wrong i guess but what thoughts do you guys have about it?
Actually having a personality disorder is rare, and very difficult to diagnose. Showing narcissist traits, however, is easier to look for. Not all dubs are narcissists for sure, but the doctrine and way people outside the organization are labeled and judged is to strip away their humanity, so even emotionally healthy dubs see people with a toxic lens that they've adopted.
I am a recovering narcissist. I learned about this thing called empathy, something called the ego, and worked through tons of emotional abuse. My stomach turns when thinking about how I once viewed people. I was a very sensitive kid that became very cold and calloused over the years. I'm glad to say that I found that emotional kid inside (thanks to a book called "Healing The Shame That Binds").
Even the most empathetic dubs with beautiful relationships still are at the mercy of narcissistic doctrine. You and I are ultimately bird food, enemies of God, and therefore their enemies. I once realized years ago that it was hard to care about people at the doors because I was taught to see them so derisively.
This thread is for proof that God exists
by juandefiero inhowever, i haven't found any evidence to support that belief.. have you?
if so please, show me the evidence that god exists, and i will believe along with you.. criteria:.
(1) you must specify which god you are talking about;.
@codedlogic - ....and apparently the same goes for love. -
This thread is for proof that God exists
by juandefiero inhowever, i haven't found any evidence to support that belief.. have you?
if so please, show me the evidence that god exists, and i will believe along with you.. criteria:.
(1) you must specify which god you are talking about;.
@codedlogic (sorry, quoting from my phone is difficult)
Might a human brain exposed to thoughts of God have measurable effects in the brain for those that believe?
This thread is for proof that God exists
by juandefiero inhowever, i haven't found any evidence to support that belief.. have you?
if so please, show me the evidence that god exists, and i will believe along with you.. criteria:.
(1) you must specify which god you are talking about;.
@codedlogic - How do you scientifically demonstrate and measure love? -
This thread is for proof that God exists
by juandefiero inhowever, i haven't found any evidence to support that belief.. have you?
if so please, show me the evidence that god exists, and i will believe along with you.. criteria:.
(1) you must specify which god you are talking about;.
I'll use the same example that I gave someone else without regard for your specific rules. I'm not quite sure where I land specifically on the spectrum of belief in God. For me though, I do believe in something greater than us, a God, much like I believe in love. Neither is something that you can see but to both can be attributed many actions used as evidence of both. That's my view, though I know it's not what you wanted, unless of course your true desire was to draw out believers so that people could have a go at them for sport. -
Narcissistic personality disorder and the dubs
by purrpurr ini've recently started to research npd.
having identified several of my family members as having it ( no wonder we're such a ¿***#@**!!!!
up family)there's huge similarities between the borg and individual members of the cong as well i've noticed.the over whelming love of self, the need to believe in a grandiose fictional version of themselves, always striving for more power and wealth, being unable to stand any criticism, and then there's the manipulation of the victims too.i could be wrong i guess but what thoughts do you guys have about it?
The book "The Narcissistic Family" totally nailed my family and the organization. In short, narcissists see people as mere objects to be controlled. If not, they can be thrown away like garbage, just like the idiotic JW TV showed recently. It's not a people of love, but rather one based on authority and absolute mindless obedience.