JoinedPosts by dubstepped
Loyalty? Today's WT The RC. It's a fix!
by Slidin Fast intoday's wt has the below scripture as it's theme.
friday of the rc has the same as it's theme.
the silver nwt is alone in using the word loyalty in this verse.
What these sorts of conversations prove to me is that the Bible is just alphabet soup and sometimes people pick up a spoonful that says one word and sometimes it's another, none is worth hanging your life on. It's all left to the interpretation and the message that the person wants to get through. It is picked through and words are chosen to imbue the meaning that one group of persons wants to hammer home. You can pick a scripture that speaks to love, or one that speaks to the destruction of others, one that is dripping with kindness, or one that is harsh. It isn't worth wasting too much time on anymore for me. I love the catch though in the OP. I find it all interesting. I also find it all to show further that the Bible is a hot mess. -
This week's study article about shunning is contradictory.
by Sanchy ini was reading this week's study article on remaining loyal to jah.
found an interesting contradiction on shunning.
they cite two experiences.
JWs are always the victim. The victim of persecution from family and the victims of the shunned people who robbed them of association by choosing to live a life that necessitates their shunning. It's like punching someone and then accusing them of running into your hand with their face. -
Jehovah's standards are unchanging. Let us never imitate the world in popular styles of dress or grooming. Let us shun their entertainment. But let us imitate their media so as to indoctrinate more people. You shall be no part of the world, not as the organization is no part of the world.
Hypocritical a$$hats.
This week's study article about shunning is contradictory.
by Sanchy ini was reading this week's study article on remaining loyal to jah.
found an interesting contradiction on shunning.
they cite two experiences.
My hope is that as time goes by they get more and more extreme and dig in harder on such contradictions so that more people wake up. Something like the contradictions in the same freaking article is almost rubbing it in the faces of those attending, practically calling them out as unthinking drones. -
Waking up - introduction
by Dreamerdude ini am a male, born into the jw cult(ure), baptized as a teen, now mid fifties.
most of my life i dreamed of hugging pandas and lions, punctuated at times by nightmares of armageddon or jw drama and politics.
still going through the motions for still-in wife.
I wonder how many found 2014 to be the end for them. My wife and I quit altogether after day one of our international conventions in Indianapolis. We left about 3/4 of the way through with my wife in tears and me angry. The relief felt after walking out was instantaneous, and we never returned. It still took until September of 2015 for us to officially disassociate. We had started doubting years before, but the idiocy spewed at that first day, then Tony's ridiculous remarks, the ARC hit, it was just a year of gut punches to one finally waking up. Not to mention the passive aggressive assertion that 2014 could have been our final memorial. I could see when that was written that it was control wrapped in false hope.
I'm sorry that your wife isn't along for the journey yet. We all have to do things on our own time. Good for you though, and welcome to the forum!
Has Anybody Hear a Rumour That Prince Died?
by cofty inwhy do people care so much about celebrities?
The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society will be celebrating an annual Memorial of Prince's death on Nelson 14th according to the Lunatic calendar.
Nathan Natas just won the internet for the day, lol.
Watchtower set for its biggest pay day, ever.
by pleaseresearch inif this is true, and we will have to wait and see.
prince could give everything to the watchtower.
so that's his $300 million fortune.
Why would he need a will? Wasn't he supposed to walk right into a panda paradise without ever having to die? Wills are a sign of weak faith, lol. -
San Diego abuse case: stay tuned. Zalkin's motion to be considered this Friday.
by Sugar Shane inzalkin proposing huge sanctions if jw leadership fails to produce documents.
unredacted this time!
feds need to get involved with this.
What a vile, disgusting organization. I guess this article is also "apostate driven lies", eh Steven Lett. Disgusting caricatures of human beings, the whole lot at HQ. -
If Prince had an addiction to prescriptions drugs, it's a personal matter but if I want to grow a beard or attend college, it's not.
by ToesUp ininteresting article i found about prince and the jw religion.
i guess they are trying to get their 15 minutes of fame.
i find it disturbing that the elder stated if prince had an addiction to prescription drugs, that is a personal matter but the hundreds of intrusive jw rules like going to college (not scriptural) and growing a beard (also not scriptural) are not also considered a personal choice.
So I could get "talked to" for listening to some of Prince's more risque songs, but he can abuse prescription drugs and that's a "personal matter"? Eff those hypocrites with a hot poker. They are so full of it. -
Haha, that's great. I used to tell my wife that I had a little black cloud that followed me around. Somehow I managed to lose it just like your illustration as I started leaving the cult behind.