I am a male, born into the JW cult(ure), baptized as a teen, now mid fifties. Most of my life I dreamed of hugging pandas and lions, punctuated at times by nightmares of Armageddon or JW drama and politics. Still going through the motions for still-in wife.
I started to wake up in 2010, dozing on and off until 2014. I was slapped wide awake by the notorious Tony Tight Pants Rant at the Annual Meeting. I am mentally free of FOG and my fondest dream at the moment is to be physically free of this mind controlling cult.
I have read CoC, Steve Hassan, JWFacts and many of your delightful posts here. One of my favorites is Farkel, although I am sad I joined too late to interact with him.
It is so good to know that I am alone. However, I am very sad that my wife is still completely deluded and reacts so dramatically when I occasionally ignite her CD. I empathize with her, because I too suffer the pain of CD, when the things I was taught to believe collide with the recognition of reality.
I feel calm as I write this, with my main focus on rescuing my wife, causing her as little trauma as possible.
I feel like I am still in a daze, so I apologize if this is incoherent or inconsistent. Maybe some words of wisdom from those of you who have gone before will help me see more clearly.
As I come to, I hope to make some positive contributions here, but please give me time.