Hate doesn't have to be an act of aggression. It doesn't often start out that way. Hate can be looking down on someone else as different. In fact, once you start labeling people as different and separating them out, they start to become less human and hate can fester later. As I pointed out earlier in what was really being said, that's a hateful message that will be put together bit by bit as those kids grow up.
And from my experience, JW homeschooling is an absolute joke. I watched my sister go through a program that was so simple in high school that I thought it was for grades K-5. How can uneducated people educate their children? Go somewhere like on JWtalk and peruse their forum on the subject. Those idiots can barely string together a coherent sentence and they're now teaching their kids. They use field service and theocratic activities as schooling. It is ridiculous. My own wife never graduated because her parents home schooled her and then discouraged her from spending time on it. The JW view of education is deplorable, and hiding their kids in a box only sets them up for failure.