If I remember correctly, she is home schooled and very isolated other than time she gets to spend with horses. I may be misremembering but don't have time to go read her previous threads.
Just as her parents need to recognize she's just a child, so do some here. Your human rights or whatever don't mean a thing when your parents have your life by the short hair. She's in a bad position. She can't just tell her parents how it is and put them in their place, in all likelihood, without repercussions. It isn't fair for her parents to put her in a position where she MUST get baptized, and it isn't fair for us to do the opposite and apply pressure. She's a kid caught in a no win situation. Your rights as a kid go as far as those with power over you let them go, no list changes that unless she's willing and strong enough (how many kids are?) to exercise listed rights and get people in her corner.