I'm sorry that you're in this place right now. It is an unfair place to be put in. There are indeed mothers that speak to DFed kids, but we all know that's a small percentage.
I know things look bleak, but you have other people in your life. Remember that scripture about losing mothers and fathers etc. but gaining them tenfold or some such number? It is true. My wife and I both lost everyone. But we gained so many new friends and people sticking closer than a brother. We have a rich life and it won't be a year until September since we DA'd. You can have that too. You can't control your mom's reaction to this. She turned you in on whatever level, and thinks she's doing you a favor. How messed up is that?
Pain is temporary. Don't do anything rash that lasts forever. Keep your chin up, keep coming here for support. Maybe get a therapist. And realize that the whole world is open to you now. You will be free, and people aren't scary, and you can have more relationships now than ever before. Family is what you make it. Welcome to the worldwide family. Tell your story, be vulnerable, and you can find friends among healthy people.