Hey Blackwolf, I'm sorry to hear things are going poorly. Remember that you have friends here. You can pm me anytime. I understand being scared that someone will find you on here. It doesn't sound like your parents are very tech savvy, but from a quick Google search it does look like you can track down who is visiting what from a router, and no amount of clearing history or using incognito modes will help. Be very careful. Damn.
That's an older article but there appear to maybe even be apps that can be used now.
Oh man, talk about isolating. I'm so sorry.
I know this doesn't help, but I would bet that there are many at your hall that feel just as lonely and unloved as you. I did, as an adult, and I know that others did too. There's always a select "cool club" and a clique or two and everyone else is an outcast, whether teens or adults. Face it, in the end everyone there is just a stranger united by the fact that they go to a place to do a thing, that's it.
I wish I had some great advice but I don't. Sometimes when you're in prison the only thing you can do is make the best of it and bide your time until your release date. Just know that you don't deserve it and be determined to do something better when you get out.