I'm not sure that people like her even could get into fighting other cults. She knows Scientology inside and out. She can't know JWs or anyone else to that level, nor would she have the same passion. I like to think that her show on one cult is a show on all cults though, as there are similarities that might help a person wake up.
She had a career in tv and I'm sure that helped a lot in not only getting this on tv but just getting noticed in the first place. Scientology has big names in it so people care. Few care about JWs.
Oh, and Poopie, LHG just stated her opinion and you got bent out of shape. That doesn't bode well for you in reaching out to others. She didn't try to control you, you're likely just incredibly susceptible to it. After all, you still go to meetings and are obsessed with the shunning doctrine, so the Watchtower has its hooks in you. Nobody here is trying to control you.