Where did I say anything about law? Why are you so fixated on that one aspect of the JWs? Is it because you can't defend their actions ethically or scripturally or in any other way but legally? I get it, they get off on legal technicalities. I will say though that they do break laws when they don't obey mandatory reporting laws and conveniently try to decide what side of the clergy argument they are on. They do break laws when it comes to service to countries that require that too and end up in jail. They also break laws like perjury when they engage in "theocratic warfare", or lying as normal humans call it, to further their own cause. That doesn't mean that they always get caught, but let's not act like Jehovah's Witnesses are above breaking laws, particularly when it stands to benefit them.
And again I say that you have been on here for 13 years and somehow still don't get it. That is sad. Why are you so happy to defend an organization that creates an environment where so many children get hurt. Why fisherman, why?