Just out of curiosity, for those claiming that you were hit and it was okay because it taught you a lesson, is that the only way you could have been stopped from that course of action?
My dad never hit me once. Of course, he wasn't healthy either, just emotionally abusive instead of physically and pretty unpredictable so the threat of physical harm was there anyway.
My mom spanked but she was a tiny lady and her spankings were hilarious. The last time she spanked me I laughed and laughed because her knee was in my side in a way that tickled. That just made her angrier. I had never openly laughed or disrespected the spankings but they were ridiculous theater of power and nothing more. I rarely got one because I was a good kid.
One time as a late teen she tried to slap me for being sarcastic, the first time that had been attempted, and I caught her hand. It was reflex, and I apologized because it was like a kid at school messing with me and I just reacted. Funny how she never touched me again. It just goes to show that it was nothing more than an act of power. It's not like after that moment I was uncontrollable.