First, your example and that magazine from 1986 needs to go to one Mr. Angus Stewart.
Second, why is there only a "like" button? Because I freaking LOVED your first post in this thread. Pure awesomeness.
Third, you will be taken down for apostasy. You're just supposed to blindly follow. Ultimately you're going to be DF'ed or you're going to want to DA. They'll make it uncomfortable to do otherwise.
I just DA'd. It hurts because I know how others will view me and all family will shun me, but honestly it's quite freeing. Those people can't just let me be me. They would have looked down on me and preached to me. No more awkward situations. I don't have to listen to them parrot the latest sayings anymore. They can only judge from afar. Nobody is looking over my shoulder. They can't take Jehovah or Jesus from me, only their co-opting of my relationship with them.
Thanks for sharing your experience.