JoinedPosts by dubstepped
Kevin Smith on Prince (2013) .... verrryyyy in-ter-esting! I think the jWS
by talesin in... may be rotting his brain with the jw crazy.
: ( so sad for this great artist to be engulfed by the jw - the crazy is so apparent.
*sigh* always loved prince, but the jws have really done a number on his head.
Sounds like Prince found the JWs more than the other way around. People with mental disorders often seek out religion. He sounds manic. I hope he finds help. I think getting around the dubs is more a symptom than a cause. I wish him well. -
If YOU had to make the decision, would you respect a JW relatives wish to refuse a blood transfusion?
by nicolaou ina few years after i quit the meetings my mum needed her medical directive signed and witnessed and she asked if i'd do it.
i was surprised to say the least!.
i think she was just angling to include me and maybe find some lever to get me involved again.
Man, you guys better hope your JW relatives are never put in this position for you with some of your views because you won't be getting a transfusion.
I could not violate someone else's body by forcing anything in it that they expressly objected to.
I am human and have feelings but to think my feelings trump theirs is to go back to the narcissist I formerly was. They are their own person. If my emotions got in the way because I wanted them to live for my own reasons I'd opt out of participation and let their legal documents speak for them.
How many of you actually KNOW the bible OR God???
by Mark Zyche insince jws are sooooooo terrible and full of lies.
what the heck do you think about fat santa, and and days later the celebration of janus?.
since you seem to be so good at looking at the "lies of the watchtower" what do you people think of your lives now, religiously speaking?
Mark Zyche - jookbeard VERY NICE. I think however we ALREADY ESATBLISHED that the BAD OLE WBTS is a false prohet..I believe you were going to tell me WHO IS THE RIGHT PROPHET?
Mark, who said there is a right prophet? What if there isn't? What if the Bible isn't even the right book? What if there is no book or no God to begin with? You're starting off with a premise that the Bible is the truth, that there would be a prophet today that would be foretelling things in truth. Can you prove that premise? What if all religions are false prophets at best?
Thoughts on letter to siblings
by azor ini will be sending a letter to all my siblings in the next couple of weeks, and wanted everyone's take on it.
the primary purpose of this letter is to pave the way for a limited relationship.
i want to invite them to my son's celebration for finishing his leukemia treatment.
The second paragraph (of the letter she included) gets to asking them to read its entirety. I love that letter and everyone else seems to as well. Who knows, maybe you read it and find a tip that helps you in yours. Worth a look.
Thoughts on letter to siblings
by azor ini will be sending a letter to all my siblings in the next couple of weeks, and wanted everyone's take on it.
the primary purpose of this letter is to pave the way for a limited relationship.
i want to invite them to my son's celebration for finishing his leukemia treatment.
I like it. I could go back and forth on some things as to whether they should be said or not, and although I love this letter and the long one just posted to another family on here, I'm always left to wonder if short and sweet wouldn't be better. Unfortunately, the situations are so complicated I don't think that short and sweet cuts it. Perhaps you could borrow the line from the other letter that basically asks them up front to be sure to read to the end because this is such an important piece of correspondence that impacts people's real lives. I liked how that really put the perspective out there first that this isn't some petty thing to be dealt with lightly, this is a big deal, so please give it proper attention.
I wish you the best. I'm happy that it sounds like your son is doing well, though I don't know the story. I wish the best for you all. It sounds like you're good parents and you should be proud. Whatever happens with the rest of the family is on them.
Our Letter to Our Family
by What Now? inour families have cut off contact with us for the last several months.
they found out that we were celebrating holidays with our non-witness family.
our families were our last tie to the organization, as our former friends stopped associating with us about 3 years ago.
I really liked how you pointed out that it is their choice to shun you and if they suffer it is because of that. Much like you said though, they are taught to play the victim. Like any good narcissist, they will always view things through their eyes only, and that's what the Borg teaches. You're the one that left, so you get all of the blame. Victim shaming is the thing now, all the cool kids are doing it. It didn't strike me until many years into shunning my brother who was DF'ed that he might have feelings too. I had never thought about DF'ing from the other side and what those people must feel like. That was an eye opener for me. I hate what Jehovah's Witnesses do to families and just human beings, tearing them apart and making them think about themselves only. It is a sick cult. I'm so sorry that you're facing this. My wife and I both lost our families because we broke rank and spoke with my DF'ed brother after well over a decade. The shunning started, and since we DA'ed it is official. They are sad, small minded people, and I was once the same way. If your family chooses to shun, maybe someday they too will come around. -
Our Letter to Our Family
by What Now? inour families have cut off contact with us for the last several months.
they found out that we were celebrating holidays with our non-witness family.
our families were our last tie to the organization, as our former friends stopped associating with us about 3 years ago.
Damn, is it too late to take back letters I've sent my own family so I can use this one? Amazing letter that I l-o-v-e! Well done doesn't begin to describe how I feel. I may borrow some of that for a letter I plan to send on the anniversary of my own shunning. -
Ex JW's - Which Christian denomination are you with now and why?
by Truthexplorer inthis is a question for ex jw's who have joined another christian faith group.
the purpose of my question iis to find out which christian faith group you chose after leaving watchtower and what convinced you to travel this new spiritual path you are on.
i am interested to know because i personally would like to find a genuine faith group where i can feel true christian liberty as i initially thought i had with the witnesses.
I guess I'm clearly not cut out for a place like this. I gave up black and white thinking when I left the dubs behind. I am neither a God following person nor an atheist. I'm open to possibilities and don't think any of us has the evidence to say either side is right to an absolute degree. I see truth and error in both sides.
What I am about is helping people find what they want, what makes them happy. I'm not about trying to make every conversation a battle to prove someone wrong. I believe we all have a journey to go on and that everything comes in due time. No amount of God bashing and shaming will change most people's mind. They need to reach things on their own. If the OP is looking for experiences of people that went to religion, why make him Wade through posts to find a few answers that are centered around it? Doesn't seem loving to me. I'd rather help him find his next step and who knows, maybe eventually he lands with the majority posting in this thread eventually.
Whatevs my ex-JW peeps. Carry on. I'm done here.
Letter to my wife
by Truthexplorer ini decided to write the following letter to my wife after years of frustration.
it was the only way i could express my feelings to her.
so far i have had a mixed reaction from her which i can later tell you about.
It is hard to know what type of feedback to give here. I think you make excellent points and mostly is a respectful way. I don't know how many times you two have talked about this previously. If this was a first, you likely overwhelmed her. Slow and steady wins the race. But maybe you two have discussed this for some time and this is a summary of some of that. It also depends on what type of fun she is, an uber dub or a so-so dub. I'd be curious as to her response. I know if someone had hit me with too much too early I may have shut down. My wife and I pushed each other on the way out. I started faster than she was comfortable with, but once she got moving she made changes faster. People need time to find their own way on such personal matters. Best of luck with it. :) -
Ex JW's - Which Christian denomination are you with now and why?
by Truthexplorer inthis is a question for ex jw's who have joined another christian faith group.
the purpose of my question iis to find out which christian faith group you chose after leaving watchtower and what convinced you to travel this new spiritual path you are on.
i am interested to know because i personally would like to find a genuine faith group where i can feel true christian liberty as i initially thought i had with the witnesses.
Gotta love how a person asks for help finding religious faith, a question that really doesn't need all of the God bashers' responses, only to find the atheists overwhelming the thread. This is why I don't even try to have intelligent discussions on here of any type of faith, not even asking well intentioned questions to see where I might stand. The God haters are every bit as rabid as those that love them some God, just here to proselytize and tell you how wrong you are for being different from them. Put a bag in their hands with science books in it, send them to the doors, and it's the dubs all over again.
I can't see why we can't just let people follow their own path so long as it doesn't hurt us. All of the right fighting in conversations not aimed at our point of view is reminiscent of the dubs sticking their noses in other people's business to tell them how wrong they are. Great for one's ego, but not usually of much help to anyone else.