You can't live your life for others. It simply isn't possible, and you'll end up with health problems if you try to be someone that you aren't, whether physically or mentally you'll suffer one way or both. Change in life is inevitable, but for now you're just a kid and you just need to worry about today. Don't worry about tomorrow or what those changes will be. In the end, you can't control life. You can do your best and live it as who you are, but you can't control what your parents or anyone else thinks or feels or how they react.
So, for today things are good with you and your parents. Appreciate it. Take what love you get from them now and try to be present mentally when you're with them. When and if the time comes that you need to make changes you'll do so then. No amount of worrying about it today changes what happens in the future. You'll be a different person then, with different coping skills and goals in life. Your parents may be too. All that you're guaranteed is this moment, right now, so have gratitude for what you have and don't worry about what you might not have later. For now, you have them.
This is coming from a guy that lost his family due to leaving the religion. It does hurt, but I can look back and know that I did everything I possibly could to make things work, to enjoy the time that I had, and I have peace even in the great divide between us now because I didn't leave anything undone and I did my best to appreciate what I had and make it better. In the end, any relationship takes two people, and while I'm still open to a relationship they aren't, and that's on them. I have peace in that I acted right on my end. They have to live with theirs. It isn't my problem. Love isn't control. It take a lot more love to have a relationship with someone that you don't agree with everything on and that you may not even always like than it does to love someone that is just a little robot that does what you say and obeys. My love isn't so small that it can't survive a religious disagreement. My parents' love is that small. That makes them toxic, and people that ultimately I know it is best for me to be separated from anyway.