JoinedPosts by dubstepped
Letter # 1 to the Governing Body of Jehovah's witnesses
by WITNESS-FOR-WATCHTOWER-REFORM inhere is my first letter i posted to the governing body.
i also hope that brothers on the writing committee who may be lurking on this site (and have some clout) read my letter and bring in change to this very flawed policy around confession of sins.. enjoy.
the governing body of jehovah’s witnesses.
I hate to be discouraging, but nobody will care. If you're doing this to get things off your chest, fire away. If you think the writing committee comes here for ideas, I'm not sure where you get that. If you send it to HQ it will never reach the GB. -
New ANTI-GAY video for Kids on jw.org
by ttdtt inhttps://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/family/children/become-jehovahs-friend/videos/one-man-one-woman-marriage/.
Hate doesn't have to be an act of aggression. It doesn't often start out that way. Hate can be looking down on someone else as different. In fact, once you start labeling people as different and separating them out, they start to become less human and hate can fester later. As I pointed out earlier in what was really being said, that's a hateful message that will be put together bit by bit as those kids grow up.
And from my experience, JW homeschooling is an absolute joke. I watched my sister go through a program that was so simple in high school that I thought it was for grades K-5. How can uneducated people educate their children? Go somewhere like on JWtalk and peruse their forum on the subject. Those idiots can barely string together a coherent sentence and they're now teaching their kids. They use field service and theocratic activities as schooling. It is ridiculous. My own wife never graduated because her parents home schooled her and then discouraged her from spending time on it. The JW view of education is deplorable, and hiding their kids in a box only sets them up for failure.
JWTV May Broadcast is up. hosted by an old burnt hot dog
by Dreamerdude inwhat's up with jw parents taking their minor children to such desolate places?
like the english family that took their little kids to the jungles of ecuador, and the australians that took their little ones to norfolk island where hardly anyone lives, and they are the only children in a congregation of 11 publishers?
is this a new form of child abuse?
I get what Dreamer is saying too. People rip their kids away from friends and family in congregations often to move to economically depressed rural areas to help where the need is great. Screw the kids, it's all about the adults. I knew a family that decided to learn Spanish and serve there. The kids had no choice and lost friends to go sit in meetings with people and talks they couldn't understand. That marriage broke up and the kids ended up in therapy. Maybe it isn't reflective of the particular place mentioned in the DubTV video this month, but it's definitely an abusive thing that goes on. -
Today's Study - Shun Disfellowshipped Family, Don't Marry Outsiders, Tell On Others!
by Divergent inurghhh... what a disgusting study!7 a conflict of loyalties may arise when a close relative is disfellowshipped.
for example, a sister named anne received a telephone call from her disfellowshipped mother.
the mother wanted to visit anne because she felt pained by her isolation from the family.
@Gefangene - Excellent post! They don't even think about anyone else. They are such blowhards and narcissists that it is always about them and them only. It is like when a sister in the congregation has an unbelieving mate and has to endure comments about how they can find a good brother in the new system to marry, which of course necessitates the slaughter of her current husband at Armageddon, but those are minor details to JW's that dehumanize everyone but themselves. -
New ANTI-GAY video for Kids on jw.org
by ttdtt inhttps://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/family/children/become-jehovahs-friend/videos/one-man-one-woman-marriage/.
Mom: "What can you tell Carrie at school?"
Sophia: "Well, I can tell Carrie about paradise and about how her mommies are going to die right on the cusp of it in a fiery Armageddon. Afterward Carrie and I can help bury their bodies once the birds pick them clean and we can live forever happy, because you know, Carrie won't even miss her mommies."
That's how it should have ended. Disgusting.
Loyalty? Today's WT The RC. It's a fix!
by Slidin Fast intoday's wt has the below scripture as it's theme.
friday of the rc has the same as it's theme.
the silver nwt is alone in using the word loyalty in this verse.
What these sorts of conversations prove to me is that the Bible is just alphabet soup and sometimes people pick up a spoonful that says one word and sometimes it's another, none is worth hanging your life on. It's all left to the interpretation and the message that the person wants to get through. It is picked through and words are chosen to imbue the meaning that one group of persons wants to hammer home. You can pick a scripture that speaks to love, or one that speaks to the destruction of others, one that is dripping with kindness, or one that is harsh. It isn't worth wasting too much time on anymore for me. I love the catch though in the OP. I find it all interesting. I also find it all to show further that the Bible is a hot mess. -
This week's study article about shunning is contradictory.
by Sanchy ini was reading this week's study article on remaining loyal to jah.
found an interesting contradiction on shunning.
they cite two experiences.
JWs are always the victim. The victim of persecution from family and the victims of the shunned people who robbed them of association by choosing to live a life that necessitates their shunning. It's like punching someone and then accusing them of running into your hand with their face. -
Jehovah's standards are unchanging. Let us never imitate the world in popular styles of dress or grooming. Let us shun their entertainment. But let us imitate their media so as to indoctrinate more people. You shall be no part of the world, not as the organization is no part of the world.
Hypocritical a$$hats.
This week's study article about shunning is contradictory.
by Sanchy ini was reading this week's study article on remaining loyal to jah.
found an interesting contradiction on shunning.
they cite two experiences.
My hope is that as time goes by they get more and more extreme and dig in harder on such contradictions so that more people wake up. Something like the contradictions in the same freaking article is almost rubbing it in the faces of those attending, practically calling them out as unthinking drones. -
Waking up - introduction
by Dreamerdude ini am a male, born into the jw cult(ure), baptized as a teen, now mid fifties.
most of my life i dreamed of hugging pandas and lions, punctuated at times by nightmares of armageddon or jw drama and politics.
still going through the motions for still-in wife.
I wonder how many found 2014 to be the end for them. My wife and I quit altogether after day one of our international conventions in Indianapolis. We left about 3/4 of the way through with my wife in tears and me angry. The relief felt after walking out was instantaneous, and we never returned. It still took until September of 2015 for us to officially disassociate. We had started doubting years before, but the idiocy spewed at that first day, then Tony's ridiculous remarks, the ARC hit, it was just a year of gut punches to one finally waking up. Not to mention the passive aggressive assertion that 2014 could have been our final memorial. I could see when that was written that it was control wrapped in false hope.
I'm sorry that your wife isn't along for the journey yet. We all have to do things on our own time. Good for you though, and welcome to the forum!