There is definitely truth in this assertion. My parents were both of the "my opinion is morally right" club and admittedly I struggle at times too, though I've made huge improvement. My dad would go to every meeting, give every talk, do literally anything they asked him to do. He told me when I was a young M.S. to say yes to anything asked of me.
Later in life I'd take him fishing, trying so hard to develop a relationship with him. If he was asked on Saturday to do something after service, I had to wait even longer. Everything came in last place compared to dub stuff. He gave talks where he passed out on stage as his health declined. It was horrible.
He'd do weird things like he would go out to bring home dinner for my mom and sister, but first he had to stop by Taco Bell, eat inside by himself, and then go get their food. He had rituals that had to be done, everyone else be damned.
All of us kids deal with some measure of compulsive behaviors. My dad was his own extreme though. Good thing he was an elder and shining example to the congregation, a lighthearted affable dude that turned into a miserable jerk at home.