JoinedPosts by dubstepped
Why do trolls do what they do?
by Londo111 ini truly don't understand the mindset of a troll.
i know it's been explained, but i still don't get it.
it is hard to distinguish between a troll and a jw apologist at times because the reactions are very similar.
You take tiny genitals, add tiny amounts of parental love, and multiply by a massive ego that feeds off of even the smallest amount of validation, and a troll is created. Being a troll is easy. You don't have to have any facts on your side, can disappear and then come back and cherry pick the few opportunities where your deluded self thinks you might be able to defend your baseless assertions, and then get to disappear like the coward you are into the basement in your parents' house with your pets that love you because you feed them and they can't leave you like everyone else. -
This site should be called Anti-Jehovahs-Witnesses Cry-babies
by the-Question inso, you left because of a bad example(s).. why all the whining?
nothing better to do with your time?.
you at least know far more about the bible than any church-goer?.
Who's whining like a baby now after getting owned in thread after thread, lol. You don't have to stay if you don't like it. You clearly can't hang.
Maybe you're still here to try and prove to yourself that your beliefs in fables hold water. How's that working out for you? ;)
Baumgartner - Dr. Mark Morehart: State of Washington Appeal Court - aborted use of cell saver machine
by darkspilver infor information:.
court of appeals of the state of washingtondivision iidocket number: 48070-1file date: 01/24/2017.
keisha baumgartner appeals the summary judgment dismissal of her medical malpractice wrongful death claim against anesthesiologist dr. mark morehart and columbia anesthesia group, p.s.
You can't have crazy, inconsistent dogma and then cry when outsiders can't keep up. My condolences to the family, but you did it to yourself. Take a poll of JWs and most would think the same, that it must be a continuous, closed loop, that is, if most of them have a clue and didn't fill out a dpa in ignorance.
A religion or OCPD?
by Xanthippe ini came across this paragraph about the causes of ocpd and it occurred to me that jws as a religion do reward ocpd traits.
they insist you adhere to rules and behaviours to the impairment of social and family activities.
perfectionism, strict moral code, lack of generosity.. so does this religion cause this personality disorder or does it recruit people who suffer from it?.
There is definitely truth in this assertion. My parents were both of the "my opinion is morally right" club and admittedly I struggle at times too, though I've made huge improvement. My dad would go to every meeting, give every talk, do literally anything they asked him to do. He told me when I was a young M.S. to say yes to anything asked of me.
Later in life I'd take him fishing, trying so hard to develop a relationship with him. If he was asked on Saturday to do something after service, I had to wait even longer. Everything came in last place compared to dub stuff. He gave talks where he passed out on stage as his health declined. It was horrible.
He'd do weird things like he would go out to bring home dinner for my mom and sister, but first he had to stop by Taco Bell, eat inside by himself, and then go get their food. He had rituals that had to be done, everyone else be damned.
All of us kids deal with some measure of compulsive behaviors. My dad was his own extreme though. Good thing he was an elder and shining example to the congregation, a lighthearted affable dude that turned into a miserable jerk at home.
Is the Bible from Men, NOT God?
by the-Question infor those claiming that- how much thought or research have you done?.
objective or non-objective?.
ever read the other books claiming to be from god?
Dubstepped: Lol, Genesis has a literal talking snake and figurative creative days. It also has a God so stupid that he can't see that man needs a companion. I believe that the plants were created before the sun....
Putting your downright scary logic on display by picking only one argument that I made and then arguing it poorly is relignuttery. Very sad, but hey, you have the right to believe in whatever delusional story you want. Wear your fables like a badge of honor if you like, just don't pretend they aren't as fable-icious as those other books. Besides, the only good holy book is the "Book of Arnold" (see "The Book of Mormon" play). Whether it's the Bible, Book of Mormon, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, or any other work of fiction, they all deserve about the same level of respect. Remember, you were the one that asked the question here, don't hold your breath and pout just because you don't like the answers.
the-Question: Don't parrots, porpoise, and whales talk? Proudly displaying your ignorance is tragilarious! -
Is the Bible from Men, NOT God?
by the-Question infor those claiming that- how much thought or research have you done?.
objective or non-objective?.
ever read the other books claiming to be from god?
Lol, Genesis has a literal talking snake and figurative creative days. It also has a God so stupid that he can't see that man needs a companion. I believe that the plants were created before the sun, which we all know is needed for plant life. It is followed closely with a bunch of giant demon-babies, had never rained (which plants kind of need too), suddenly rained enough to flood the entire world without interruption of ecosystems needed for both plant and aquatic life, all in a boat with millions of animal species on board, some never indigenous to that area.
Nah, no fables there like in other books, lmao.
Bill introduced to remove the US from all participation in the UN
by ILoveTTATT2 inapparently there was a bill introduced to congress asking for the removal of the us from the participation on the un.. you can read about it here:https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/193/textwhat do you think jw's will make out of this?.
From what I understand, these types of bills are introduced regularly. It is just because we have a nutter in the White House that people are suddenly calling these things out, as fear grips people. -
dewayne dedmon: center for san antonio spurs, grew up a JW.
by nowwhat? ini was watching the cavaliers- spurs game last night and the announcers mentioned how dedmonds mom was a devout jw.
and she wouldn't allow her son to play high school basketball because it would take away from service to the church.
so fortunately he turned 18 for his senior year , so he didn't need parental consent to play.
I watched the game too and had to research after hearing the announcers talk about his story. I read that SI article on him while watching, and it's a great read. I have a new favorite NBA player. I'll be rooting for the guy.
So, the Womens March ... What Is It For?
by Simon init seems like mobilizing after the election, which seems pointless.
i keep hearing demands for equal rights but don't understand what rights they are missing exactly.. normally a march is to show the support (and potential votes) for a cause, but ... votes for what?
... and the election happened already.. is anyone else confused?
I'm glad you asked this Simon. I don't get it either. I understand women wanting to be respected and being mad that a pussy grabbing Cheeto looking wispy haired bully won the presidency over a woman that they thought had it in the bag. I understand that they don't like the tone of the campaign. But as some have stated, this protest was to make their voices heard. Who heard them? What did they say? I don't get what was accomplished other than women venting and being communal with one another. It felt good to them, and I see ladies that I'm friends with posting on Facebook about it and they're so proud to have gone and want to tell their grandkids about it one day, but if it is noise that signifies nothing specifically, what's the point?
It reminds me of the Operation Wall Street or whatever where people rallied around many different ideologies with no real common goal other than hating a segment of society. There were no clear goals, they just wanted to be heard. That's what I see here. If you're going to do all of this, and I applaud doing it, have some specific demands. It seemed like just a big party for the ladies to get together and that's cool too, but people are acting like something was accomplished and I guess I missed what that was to anyone other than those women who attended or feel closer to other women as a group for rooting them on.
It feels like it was just emotional outpouring of hurt, and I get that, but what is supposed to change from this? It won't make misogynists any less misogynist-y. It was like a pep rally for a team, which is great for that team, but nobody outside that rally cares as they have their own team, but maybe even more ambiguous than that. At least a pep rally for a team is specific in it's goal to beat the next opponent. There was no line drawn here that I saw.
I hate seeing the way some women are treated and that women have to be subjected to some of the things that they are. I don't see how this march changes any of that. Those that disrespect women aren't going to suddenly stop because some marched with disparate signs. I want little girls to grow up in a world that gets better and better for them. How does this march put that in motion?
Is it just me ? 2 threads debating page after page with one individual ?
by smiddy inis it just me who doesnt see the point of this ?
from time to time we see some individual who takes up page after page arguing his or her point of view and it usually ends up with only 2 or 3 individuals who keep the talkfest going with a particular individual and nobodys getting anything out of it .. why bother ?
why get sucked in to such a pointless dialogue ?
After a page or two, those threads serve no purpose. It doesn't take 12+ pages to unveil who a person is and their motives. It's more just a battle of ego at a point. It can be hard to walk away though.