@carla - JWs would likely see that as pointing to their future paradise where life would be had more abundantly (forever) and it would be had to the full (in perfection as god originally intended). They see it through that narrative, not as though speaking to life today. I would assume that other religions see it as pointing to heavenly life.
JoinedPosts by dubstepped
Endure or Enjoy??
by stuckinarut2 inhave we ever noticed how witnesses are constantly being told that life is something that needs to be "endured", rather that "enjoyed"?.
life is always so tough, so hard, so difficult in "these last days".
"persecution and trials abound".
Hey Simon, so it looks like this started out as a pro-JW forum, amirite? How long did it take to turn the other way? I find this very interesting. I guess I don't really know the backstory.
Endure or Enjoy??
by stuckinarut2 inhave we ever noticed how witnesses are constantly being told that life is something that needs to be "endured", rather that "enjoyed"?.
life is always so tough, so hard, so difficult in "these last days".
"persecution and trials abound".
It messes with their minds in that A.) they miss out on all of the beauty in the world while having their pity party and B.) they absolve themselves of personal responsibility and live in perpetual denial of their own issues and that they can affect them if they want. It's a vicious cycle of not investing in this life therefore life sucks which only proves that this old system is dying and their deliverance is near, all the while it is largely self-induced.
Infinity versus nothing
by Fisherman insome people like to believe in something others believe in nothing; so in what location did the substance that expanded into the time/space universe exist before the big bang?
where did the energy that caused the big band come from?
how did the substance that became the big bang change from being inert and sterile and come to life to having the properties and drive that it does?
@Fisherman -
I agree that it's hard to comprehend the origin of everything, the infinity vs nothing as you put it. Does either view correlate to a loving father that created it all and that is infinite in himself? If life is so important to him, and he loves to create in infinite terms (i.e. the universe), why isn't there life anywhere else that we can find? Shouldn't the universe be teeming with life, instead of nothing? What does the known universe speak to, vibrant intelligent life, or nothingness? Your OP got me thinking about this. Thanks.
ADHD Caused by Chemo
by azor ini just found out yesterday that my son who is less than a year out of treatment for leukemia has adhd caused by the chemo that saved his life.
does anyone here have any experience with this?
primarily looking for books or resources that helped you or your loved ones..
Aha, I just remembered another site that my wife and I liked back when we really researched ADHD. It was coming out just as we were starting to move on from being so involved, but it is TotallyADD.com and it has a lot of resources. I just went there and it is still around and probably much better now. It was brand new back then, so it likely has more information available than even back then.
ADHD Caused by Chemo
by azor ini just found out yesterday that my son who is less than a year out of treatment for leukemia has adhd caused by the chemo that saved his life.
does anyone here have any experience with this?
primarily looking for books or resources that helped you or your loved ones..
Nice! Heck, I love a UK accent and might go watch Zen Den myself, lol.
ADHD Caused by Chemo
by azor ini just found out yesterday that my son who is less than a year out of treatment for leukemia has adhd caused by the chemo that saved his life.
does anyone here have any experience with this?
primarily looking for books or resources that helped you or your loved ones..
ADHD, anxiety, and depression are the holy trinity. Been there, done that. From what I understand meds that help with ADHD can make the anxiety worse, and vice versa. Meds for any of this are an inexact science and must be adjusted frequently. Brain chemistry changes over time, probably more so with children as they develop.
Learning mindfulness, which even a kid can do, proves helpful for many. It helps to separate one from their many thoughts and let them observe them instead of giving into all of them, as people with ADHD often struggle with impulsivity. I don't have a regular practice, but I did use the Calm app at one point and liked it. For some it is a chance to focus for a time, working out that focus muscle. Me, I am likely ADHD overfocused type, and I can hyperfocus like nobody's business if need be.
I don't want to give you or him false hope, and I also don't want to demonize ADHD, but maybe there's hope that he could come out of it as things change in his body and as he gets farther away from what I think you referred to as chemo brain, or something like that.
Oh, a good podcast that helps shine light on those with ADHD that are successful is called Faster Than Normal. It is a good listen. I just thought of that one today and thought I'd share.
ADHD is an executive function disorder. Chances are your son knows what to do or not to do but has difficulty executing it at times. Plus he's a kid. Plus he's coming off steroids. Plus the chemo meds. Plus, plus, plus, but the good news is that as time goes by he'll subtract those things. I'm just sorry that he has to go through it now. Sounds like his short life has had some really tough times. I hope he gets to just be a kid sometimes and enjoy life.
Very intresting
by pepperheart inhi on the jw broadcast site they have about 5 days ago put up a special video about how people should fogive and if they dont they will become bitter.
do you think the watchtower know how many court cases around the world they have got coming up this coming year .
How many disfellowshipped or disassociated ones do they forgive freely? You know, people that often did not one thing to them personally. They don't begin to grasp forgiveness.
Orwell's 1984. Turned into a theatre stage play performance!
by stuckinarut2 inhttps://www.sydneytheatre.com.au/whats-on/productions/2017/1984.
this looks interesting!!
a modern take on orwell's classic 1984.. we all have found the comparison of orwell's book to witness life to be fascinating, so this could be a great play to see!.
Thanks VI, I didn't know that there was another one. I bought the most recent version and hated it, but now that you mentioned another version I looked it up and found the old black and white movie for free on Youtube. I'll have to give it a try.
Orwell's 1984. Turned into a theatre stage play performance!
by stuckinarut2 inhttps://www.sydneytheatre.com.au/whats-on/productions/2017/1984.
this looks interesting!!
a modern take on orwell's classic 1984.. we all have found the comparison of orwell's book to witness life to be fascinating, so this could be a great play to see!.
I absolutely loved the book, hated the movie, but I'd be open to the play if it came my way.