Why, are you hoping to get another disfellowshipped person in your congregation so that you can be baffled yet again by shunning? Are you hoping someone goes down for this?
JoinedPosts by dubstepped
If one is associting with what org call bad association
by poopie indespite repeated counsel and it's willful and voluntary wouldn't that be brazen conduct calling for judicial comitee?
What could it be?
by Randy notmarsh ini'm doing some research.
someone snitched over something minor-ish on me about six months ago the person is from a different hall, person got df ( over some other stuff) why haven't the elders talked to me?
Why don't you ask them? ;p
Seriously though, you said it was minor, so maybe they don't care. Maybe they're busy with something else. Maybe they forgot. Maybe nobody snitched for real. Maybe Jehovah just doesn't love you, because we all know that Jehovah loves those he disciplines. Only the elders know. There's lots of possible reasons.
3.(e) By Charitable Works for the Relief of Poverty
by Lostandfound inlooking at the australian wt memorandum and articles of this line took my attention.. when did they ever undertake works to relieve poverty, some discarded bethelites facing poverty would laugh at this, more like charitable works for the extension of poverty.
but no poverty facing the ultra heavies and gb members replete with obscene displays of the means of telling the time..
Lol, they create poverty by condemning higher education and encouraging part time work. They don't do anything to help poverty. Are they claiming to? If so, that's a slap in the face.
What is the name of this specific book?
by QuestionAskerPersonMan ini'm taking a class, and we are learning about jws.
my teacher is talking about a "big brown book" that is used for any questions or scriptures quoted by the person who jws are talking to.
he used it in the context that if they don't know the answer off the top of their head, they look for the verse in this book.. what is the name of this book?.
I'm starting to wonder if the professor has it wrong or you do, or maybe I just don't go that far back. The Concordance was a larger book for looking up scriptures, the Reasoning book was for looking up specific topics with lines of cult reasoning to inflict on an unsuspecting person, lol. I can't think of any other such books that fit your description. They were different sizes and colors.
How can elders find someone.. And how long would it take?
by Randy notmarsh inlet's throw a hypothetical.
let's say that a body of elders is looking for someone in a different congregation, but don't know what kh he attends, how do they go on about it?
how long do you guys think it'll take?
It depends on how bad the elders want it. When my brother moved he didn't tell any of us where. He just wanted to go live his life. I wanted to find him myself because he's my brother and I was concerned. I found out the street from friends and knocked doors until I found him. We started hanging out again. Poor guy was in a really weird place mentally and emotionally and I didn't blame him.
Anyway, the elders found out from my dad, a fellow elder, that I knew where he lived. One confronted me in the auditorium of the KH and wanted me to spill the beans. I told him he should leave the 99 and go find his sheep like I did if he truly cared about him, or was this purely a punitive hunt for him? He got enraged and it got loud and another elder stepped in or it may have come to blows.
I believe they ended up finding out where he worked and essentially served him outside when he went to his car with a summons to attend their judicial hearing. So yeah, they have their ways if they're determined. They aren't technically supposed to hunt people down anymore, but I'm sure it still happens. My brother's experience was 16 years or so ago.
"serenity now!"
by nowwhat? injust had my annual checkup.
first time in 10 years my blood presure is normal.
and i've cut my anti anxiety medicine dosage by 75 percent.
Nice! My anxiety levels plummeted too after I left.
Back again to say hi! Life update after walking away from the cult.
by Darkknight757 ini hope all is well.
my last post over a month ago was going to be the last considering i wanted to get away from all things jw but this place is much harder to ignore than previously thought.
life has taken some very interesting turns since late last year.
Congrats on the new life DK and the new babies to come!!! Quote who you want at this point, who gives a f#$!, just go be happy and life a life of YES instead of that awful humanity robbing existence as a mindless drone in the Borg. Good for all of you. Get that new job, expand your horizons, and LIVE life instead of waiting for false promises of the future. Find what makes you happy. -
Just read her "interview with an apostate" and enjoyed it. Sounds like she IS your better half. ;p
Actually Simon, when I first joined I thought you were controversial and harsh. I now just kind of see you as a guy that is often in the middle, and I'm there as well, and it's often a controversial place to be because people are so polarized. You ask uncomfortable questions, and I'm sure we don't agree on everything (which means that you must be wrong, of course), but I certainly agree on asking those questions. Actually, I've learned a lot from your posts because you post a side I don't usually see, and I like that. I saw it as harsh at first simply because other than my own questions about things that people were often appalled at, you had gone even farther. I have too now that I'm out and have had more time to look at things or new experiences. You're a good guy. (just banking that for when you ban me at some point in the future and I need goodwill)
Day 1 - Fessler vs. Watchtower – Opening Statements and Motions in Jehovah’s Witness Child Abuse Trial
by AndersonsInfo innews bulletin: fessler versus watchtower – opening statements and motions in jehovah’s witness child abuse trial – day 1. .
posted on february 12, 2017. city hall, philadelphia, pennsylvania.
on a cold philadelphia morning the 7th of february, 2017, stephanie fessler walked into the court of common pleas of pennsylvania, first judicial district, civil trial division.
Lol @ Richard "erring on the side of The Watchtower" Oliver. Of course you would first assume that it must be that her case was weak and she took anything she could get. Smdh.
Whatever she got, good for her, though it will never be enough.
JW Podcast About The Shenanigans of the Borg in Australia
by dubstepped inso here's a link to the latest jw podcast.
in it they talk about how the organization is structuring things in australia to get out of paying money to victims of abuse.
the short version, as i remember it, is that they are making each congregation its own individual charity.
@zeb - That was actually one of the better shows for audio quality, lol. I know that's hard to believe, but their audio is typically crap. I put up with it because the content is worth the suffering. I'm glad that they passed their info on to the ARC. Surely the ARC can see through their crap. I don't know what they can do about it though.