No, I produced facts. Your answers are disingenuous and an attempt to obfuscate at best, much like the master that you serve, the Watchtower. You have presented absolutely nothing in this discussion, but we all know how you feel about protecting the pedophile paradise of the organization now. Thanks for participating in this discussion. I have better things to do than to continue arguing with a JW drone.
JoinedPosts by dubstepped
The Danger of Settlements
by Tech49 ini was pondering the recent influx of lawsuits against wt, specifically in regards to the child abuse cases (ie.
conti, fessler, lopez, etc).. in each of these, wt has settled for an "undisclosed" amount, assumed to be in the millions of dollars each.
i know there are many many more cases, subject for a different thread i'm sure.. i was reading something completely unrelated a while back that mentioned the dangers of settlement agreements for a large corporation or business (not just wt).
The Danger of Settlements
by Tech49 ini was pondering the recent influx of lawsuits against wt, specifically in regards to the child abuse cases (ie.
conti, fessler, lopez, etc).. in each of these, wt has settled for an "undisclosed" amount, assumed to be in the millions of dollars each.
i know there are many many more cases, subject for a different thread i'm sure.. i was reading something completely unrelated a while back that mentioned the dangers of settlement agreements for a large corporation or business (not just wt).
Fact: That was weak Fisherman. You cannot answer even simple questions yet demand it of others. Very sad.
Fact: Fisherman defends an organization that doesn't defend it's most vulnerable members, the children within it's grip, to the ability that it can. That says a lot about you. Again, very sad.
The Danger of Settlements
by Tech49 ini was pondering the recent influx of lawsuits against wt, specifically in regards to the child abuse cases (ie.
conti, fessler, lopez, etc).. in each of these, wt has settled for an "undisclosed" amount, assumed to be in the millions of dollars each.
i know there are many many more cases, subject for a different thread i'm sure.. i was reading something completely unrelated a while back that mentioned the dangers of settlement agreements for a large corporation or business (not just wt).
Fisherman: Which one?
Let me spell this out for you since apparently it is sheer stupidity and not you being daft.
Fact: The dubs use a two witness rule. Fact: Children are often abused in private, without witnesses. Fact: If no second witness is to be found, elders will not act. Fact: Jehovah's Witnesses have discouraged members from going to authorities because it might bring reproach on Jehovah's name. Fact: That has resulted in pedophiles roaming freely in the organization and abusing more children. Fact: The ARC was appalled at the handling of these situations by Jehovah's Witnesses. Fact: Despite all evidence, Fisherman continues to defend this organization.
I could go into the sexually repressed culture and how it often leads to abuse and studies on such. I could go into experiences of kids that I grew up with that were molested with impunity in the organization. But really, all I want to focus on is this:
Fisherman is reflective of this organization and it's qualities. You are what you worship.
Now, my questions to you fisherman. Do you feel that Jehovah's Witnesses do all that they should do for the protection of children? Do you think that my facts above are actually false, and if so, why? Why do you defend an organization that forces little girls to answer sexually explicit questions in front of grown men and that outright refuses to utilize women in such roles? Should an organization that claims to be moral be fighting against truth and help for those damaged by such abuse, or should that organization be fighting for more rights and help for those victims? Your turn to answer my questions.
The Danger of Settlements
by Tech49 ini was pondering the recent influx of lawsuits against wt, specifically in regards to the child abuse cases (ie.
conti, fessler, lopez, etc).. in each of these, wt has settled for an "undisclosed" amount, assumed to be in the millions of dollars each.
i know there are many many more cases, subject for a different thread i'm sure.. i was reading something completely unrelated a while back that mentioned the dangers of settlement agreements for a large corporation or business (not just wt).
I posted lots of facts there. You just can't handle them. You don't want to see them. You want to protect your organization that protects pedophiles. That's really sad. You know about the ARC. You've been here for 13 years so you've read people's experiences. Yet still you defend the organization and their right to protect pedophiles. You don't answer my questions, so I'm not going to research and pick out specifics. I'm still waiting to find out if you would take blood or not. You see, you like to pick apart things that fit you well, just like the organization that you worship. Sadly, you miss the big picture and all of the harm being done while you defend them, focusing only on technical minutia so that you can feel good about what you do, just like Jehovah's Witnesses, or to get all biblical, "straining out the gnat while gulping down the camel".
The Danger of Settlements
by Tech49 ini was pondering the recent influx of lawsuits against wt, specifically in regards to the child abuse cases (ie.
conti, fessler, lopez, etc).. in each of these, wt has settled for an "undisclosed" amount, assumed to be in the millions of dollars each.
i know there are many many more cases, subject for a different thread i'm sure.. i was reading something completely unrelated a while back that mentioned the dangers of settlement agreements for a large corporation or business (not just wt).
Fisherman: No, it is because I disagree that wt environment is dangerous for children. And if you are saying that children are in danger of getting hurt in wt environment which is what I think that you are saying, I challenge you to prove it.
You are not that stupid. You absolutely can't be. 13 years in and you've never heard of the two witness rule, the discouraging of taking matters of sexual abuse to the proper authorities, a little thing called the Australian Royal Commission, or seen people's personal stories of going to the elders and being ignored? The Fessler case recently is just another example of someone that was abused and the victim was punished why the offender didn't receive punishment until the proper authorities stepped in because your child molester protecting friends in your organization did nothing but blame the victim. You make excuses while children are raped and their abusers run free in an organization that won't even comply with mandatory reporting laws.
Why do you make excuses for those that protect child molesters fisherman? Why do you care more about legal technicalities than children?
The Danger of Settlements
by Tech49 ini was pondering the recent influx of lawsuits against wt, specifically in regards to the child abuse cases (ie.
conti, fessler, lopez, etc).. in each of these, wt has settled for an "undisclosed" amount, assumed to be in the millions of dollars each.
i know there are many many more cases, subject for a different thread i'm sure.. i was reading something completely unrelated a while back that mentioned the dangers of settlement agreements for a large corporation or business (not just wt).
Where did I say anything about law? Why are you so fixated on that one aspect of the JWs? Is it because you can't defend their actions ethically or scripturally or in any other way but legally? I get it, they get off on legal technicalities. I will say though that they do break laws when they don't obey mandatory reporting laws and conveniently try to decide what side of the clergy argument they are on. They do break laws when it comes to service to countries that require that too and end up in jail. They also break laws like perjury when they engage in "theocratic warfare", or lying as normal humans call it, to further their own cause. That doesn't mean that they always get caught, but let's not act like Jehovah's Witnesses are above breaking laws, particularly when it stands to benefit them.
And again I say that you have been on here for 13 years and somehow still don't get it. That is sad. Why are you so happy to defend an organization that creates an environment where so many children get hurt. Why fisherman, why?
The Danger of Settlements
by Tech49 ini was pondering the recent influx of lawsuits against wt, specifically in regards to the child abuse cases (ie.
conti, fessler, lopez, etc).. in each of these, wt has settled for an "undisclosed" amount, assumed to be in the millions of dollars each.
i know there are many many more cases, subject for a different thread i'm sure.. i was reading something completely unrelated a while back that mentioned the dangers of settlement agreements for a large corporation or business (not just wt).
Fisherman: Why do you want to cripple wt?
Are you stupid or just being daft? You've been here for 13 years and you haven't figured that one out?
You think it is a good thing that JWs protect pedophiles, don't you. Why on earth wouldn't you want a cult that has people refuse blood and die and that has pedophiles protected by elders to continue to exist?
Follow up: the baby did not survive
by Captain Schmideo2 init was always a long shot anyway.
but, after a week of emotional pain for the mom, and extreme physical pain for a helpless infant, the baby's body finally succumbed.. all those prayers from the parents, from family, from friends, were absolutely worthless.
that is a deity for ya!
Who are you to decide when someone can have an opinion, how they can express grief, etc. in a way that hurts nobody?
Follow up: the baby did not survive
by Captain Schmideo2 init was always a long shot anyway.
but, after a week of emotional pain for the mom, and extreme physical pain for a helpless infant, the baby's body finally succumbed.. all those prayers from the parents, from family, from friends, were absolutely worthless.
that is a deity for ya!
Maybe it's his way of processing the pain. It's not like he's pointing in the people's face, he's speaking anonymously about a situation that was sad and then even sadder due to the religious layer.
What your wife wanted to do was definitely a dick move, imho. She was taking it to them, while the OP laments the ridiculousness to those who will understand, apparently you notwithstanding.
The Rainbow Promise
by Funchback inone day, the biblical god decided all humanity, less 8 individuals and some animals, should die via mass drowning, including infants, children and physically and mentally disabled people.. he expected rational people to listen to a seemingly oddball old man and enter a giant box filled with wild animals.
"god told me to warn you.
enter this thing and you will live".
Lol, well said! If only an omniscient god could have seen that the gay community would later take his rainbow as their own. How pissed off would he be.