@Listener - It's all Dick Fisherman has. They do it all over the forums.
JoinedPosts by dubstepped
ARC - Case Study 54 - All Exhibits have been released
by jwleaks inall exhibits for case study 54, jehovah's witnesses and watchtower, have been released by the arc.. http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/exhibits/10908a67-70c5-4103-94cc-dac096fdb585/case-study-54,-march-2017,-sydney.
exhibit list.
joint statement of o'brien and spinks.
Local Elder Mentions this Site from the Platform
by James Jack ina local elder had the part this week on the "good news" brochure.
he said: "if the householder has any questions, direct them to jw.org, don't say, just look up jehovah's witnesses on the internet(an older sister said this at the door), if you do they will be directed to a site visited by apostates and weak witnesses!
" "this mistake, would cause the householder to never accept bible truth".. i thought to myself, wow, i'm sure some listening to this part, will get curious now(many in the hall are just being exposed to the internet, and practicing with their new tablets) and do, just what they were told not to do..
I do wish he would have mentioned this site in particular, like blondie said. With that said, he was right . This place is full of apostates, and there are some weak witnesses here that try to play here as well. Every time they mention things like this though it shows how much it bothers them. Well done my ex-JW friends.
Interesting explanation of a reason why some people stick with in the JW, regardless of facts - stress
by nonjwspouse inthis youtube is entirely interesting ( to me anyway) about the affects of stress on the body, and what causes that sress.
the jws who feel "at the top" in the jw, actually have reduced their stress d a degree.
when they feel empowered by "privileges" it brings a positive effect on stress levels, especially when in the outside of the jw world they have low level jobs with demanding supervisors, etc.
Interesting thought. I'm not sure though. The higher up you get in the organization, the more stress you face as you fit more and more JW bullcrap into your life. People do get to release the stress of making their own decisions in life, but they heap tons of other stresses on it by being in the cult. The time pressure alone is so steep when you're an elder or any other type of position. I think that initial loss of stress by "throwing your burden on Jehovah" and joining a religion that continuously points to the future panda paradise is what brings people in, but once in I believe it is VERY stressful. That's why you see so many JWs with depression, that self-harm, that have lots of mysterious illnesses, etc.
ARC - Case Study 54 - All Exhibits have been released
by jwleaks inall exhibits for case study 54, jehovah's witnesses and watchtower, have been released by the arc.. http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/exhibits/10908a67-70c5-4103-94cc-dac096fdb585/case-study-54,-march-2017,-sydney.
exhibit list.
joint statement of o'brien and spinks.
@RO - No, that's not what I'm saying at all. That's your spin, as per usual, to deflect from your beloved cult. Life isn't binary. JWs claim to be ahead of the curve in pretty much every way. Child abuse is both immoral and criminal. You're reasoning skills suck.
Now go copy and paste the same drivel that you keep repeating, maybe even throw in an accusation that I said something in a conversation that I never did.
Funny how you never see RO without Fisherman. The Dick Fisherman Duo is real folks.
Now, if you'll pardon me, I have a life, unlike Dick Fisherman, and I have a faucet to repair. While you two dub-loving douches spend your waking hours posting with people that don't like you personally or your ideals, wasting your time, I'm off to be productive while I'm sure that Dick Fisherman will talk amongst themselves for a few hours.
ARC - Case Study 54 - All Exhibits have been released
by jwleaks inall exhibits for case study 54, jehovah's witnesses and watchtower, have been released by the arc.. http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/exhibits/10908a67-70c5-4103-94cc-dac096fdb585/case-study-54,-march-2017,-sydney.
exhibit list.
joint statement of o'brien and spinks.
Fisherman, aren't god's ways better than man's, and god's thoughts higher than man's thoughts? Shouldn't Jehovah's chosen people be the example for he world, not the other way around? Maybe you don't actually believe JWs to be Jehovah's people. I knew there had to be some reason you spent 13 years here.
ARC - Case Study 54 - All Exhibits have been released
by jwleaks inall exhibits for case study 54, jehovah's witnesses and watchtower, have been released by the arc.. http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/exhibits/10908a67-70c5-4103-94cc-dac096fdb585/case-study-54,-march-2017,-sydney.
exhibit list.
joint statement of o'brien and spinks.
Richard, you keep repeating this as if you could say it enough that it would become true. So:
I would speak as myself and give an explanation and would give what I believe but that is not what those gentlemen were asked to speak as, they were asked to speak as representatives so wording is very important.
But how I believe it to be is that one who disassociates themselves have decided that they no longer want to be associated with Jehovah's Witnesses and no longer be considered one of Jehovah's Witnesses. It is a formal way of leaving a religion that one no longer agrees with either from a human or spiritual stand point.Yes, you get this right in that a person no longer wants to be associated with the title "Jehovah's Witnesses", though that doesn't mean that they no longer want to associate with, oh, let's just get crazy and say their parents or siblings that are JWs, as an example. Disassociation is from the religion, not the people, it is the people in that decide to shun based on their cult teachings.
I would bring out that Paul speaks of not even eating with such a man that was once called your brother but that is no longer.
And I would ask for a cite of this scripture please. Where does Paul say this?
That even Jesus removed himself from Judas when he excused Judas from associating with him and the other apostles before his betrayal of the Christ.
I've already told you my opinion, not that you probably even read it because you only care about your own words, which you are in such love with that you just keep repeating them over and over. Where did Jesus have opportunity after dismissing Judas to go do what he had to do and what Jesus knew he had to do to speak to Judas where he said "Oh NOES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even speak to this person. I must shun him." Dismissing someone from a meeting does not equate to shunning someone. People are summarily dismissed from things all the time, it doesn't mean that they're shunned forever thereafter. To call what Jesus did shunning is just ridiculous and shows that you're still brainwashed. Your god Jehovah still associated with Satan after he became Satan. He even allowed him to stay in heaven and influence angels.
I would say ultimately it is each person's personal decision if they want to shun someone who is disassociated.
I would say that you're in conflict with the religion that you worship, and apparently what even you think scriptures say.
I am not associated with a Congregation because of my sexuality but in my decades of a witness i have never known anyone who got DF for communicating with a DA or a DF person, I may be living in a fantasy world but that is my experience. I can only speak of the US but that is a perfectly legal thing.
Ask Ray Franz how talking to an unapproved person in the organization works for you. True, most won't know of someone that is DFed fro speaking to a person who is DA or DF, but that's because nobody knows about it and they keep it secret, or they just don't do it. So this is a disingenuous argument.
ARC - Case Study 54 - All Exhibits have been released
by jwleaks inall exhibits for case study 54, jehovah's witnesses and watchtower, have been released by the arc.. http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/exhibits/10908a67-70c5-4103-94cc-dac096fdb585/case-study-54,-march-2017,-sydney.
exhibit list.
joint statement of o'brien and spinks.
OH MY Non-existant GOD! Please find where I even discussed child porn. You attributed things to me in another thread that I never said. You are an utter and total fraud, making desperate nonsensical arguments.
Vs 12 above shows you have no place judging those outside. Why do you shun those outside then?
Holy fuck, you are incoherent. Few of your arguments make sense. You just throw as many words up as possible and hope something sticks, and you are owned time and again and just change the subject.
ARC - Case Study 54 - All Exhibits have been released
by jwleaks inall exhibits for case study 54, jehovah's witnesses and watchtower, have been released by the arc.. http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/exhibits/10908a67-70c5-4103-94cc-dac096fdb585/case-study-54,-march-2017,-sydney.
exhibit list.
joint statement of o'brien and spinks.
What the fuck are you babbling on about Richard? Your scriptures prove that Jesus didn't shun. Nowhere did he refuse to talk to him. He knew what had to go down and let Judas go do it. You must be a yoga instructor with all of the stretching that you do.
As to the scripture in Corinthians, it again doesn't say what you think it does. It say not to associate with anyone calling himself a brother, but what if they no longer do? This was a huge point to me when I was waking up. I shunned my brother for over a decade before I realized that he was being perpetually punished for one act over a decade ago, and was now leading a good life. Why would I need to keep shunning him?
You brought up the example of how someone shouldn't be absolved of the consequences of their crime You love those legal comparisons. But we don't punish people forever for most crimes. Is a person that is drunk today forever a drunk? Is a fornicator today forever a fornicator? Why does Jehovah remove your errors as far off as the sunrise from the sunset but your cult keeps account forever?
I don't know why any of us bothers. There is none so blind as he who shall not see. You actually think you made a quality response to FastJehu.
In the end, this whole argument over what to do with child sexual abuse is stupid. No religion has any place sticking their nose in criminal matters. Elders should bow out as soon as the subject comes up but they can't because they are so full of themselves, like the cult they serve, that they actually feel justified in investigating the claims. That is the height of delusion. They are no more qualified to be judges than anyone. My dad was one of those elders, a know it all with no education, no emotional intelligence, who drove his own kids to literally hate him. Your cult is overstepping and that's all that matters.
ARC - Case Study 54 - All Exhibits have been released
by jwleaks inall exhibits for case study 54, jehovah's witnesses and watchtower, have been released by the arc.. http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/exhibits/10908a67-70c5-4103-94cc-dac096fdb585/case-study-54,-march-2017,-sydney.
exhibit list.
joint statement of o'brien and spinks.
Why are you changing the subject and avoiding FastJehu's posts? -
ARC - Case Study 54 - All Exhibits have been released
by jwleaks inall exhibits for case study 54, jehovah's witnesses and watchtower, have been released by the arc.. http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/exhibits/10908a67-70c5-4103-94cc-dac096fdb585/case-study-54,-march-2017,-sydney.
exhibit list.
joint statement of o'brien and spinks.
Still avoiding FastJehu's posts there eh? And holding out Jesus as someone that shunned is just stunning. Your twisting knows no bounds.