Congratulations, but your case is yours and yours alone. If you've been here any time you know it to be different for different people. Mr. Jackson knows better too.
JoinedPosts by dubstepped
Are people free to leaving the Witnesses, and shunning.
by ThomasCovenant inis it true, as bro jackson testified to the australian royal commission, that people can leave the religion freely?.
in my own case, yes.
i just stopped going and was never announced as ''no longer one of jw's''.
New Tactic for Jehovah's Witnesses
by compound complex inbbc's comments on the trolley/cart work:.
The movement doesn't have figures for how many converts this part of its mission has produced. And it's emphasised that it's an addition rather than a departure from the door-to-door evangelism, but adherents are optimistic that the new tactic is making an impact.
I like this quote from the article because it shows what the carts are really about. JWs get discouraged by the door to door ministry because nobody is ever home and they spend hours doing nothing. Now they still do nothing, but at least they're around people, there's a buzz around them, and they can always reason that merely by being seen they are witnessing. They also have to be approved to do this particular work, so they feel special. It is busy work aimed at keeping the illusion alive that they're really helping people. We all know that statistically they bring in few outsiders and most growth is from within. They don't want real numbers on things that matter, like converts from their work, they only want numbers based on activity (hours, placements, etc.). It's all for show.
Non-Witness in Love with Lesbian Witness
by Siraphina ini'm hoping someone here can help, advise or councel me regarding my dilemma because i'm desperate and dying inside.
here is my story: i'm an out, non-witness lesbian in love with an active jw lesbian.
she's very much in love with me as well but her guilt as a result of her religion is emotionally devistating her.
@lusitano - This thread was about a specific experience of a person 11 years ago. Learn how to forum. Why were you searching for this? Start your own thread about it if you have a question or discussion about the subject as it pertains to you and not this person's struggle.
Worldwide campaign : Go to memorial , watch with respect and eat the emblems!
by lusitano o tuga inhey, ex-jw guys , .
if you believe in the bible and claim to be a christian, we invite you to attend the memorial this year in a place that.
the peoples don´t know you´re disfellowshipped and obey what jesus said in john chapter 6 and apostle paul tought in .
I like this guy. If he doesn't get immediate attention, he talks to himself. Not a bad strategy. Lol @ Outlaw's post.
Those married to "still in" JWs
by NikL inkind of got into it with my jw wife last night for the first time in a long time.. i try to not engage in conversations about doctrinal matters unless she asks me which she did.. anyway, i wont go into details but of course i am "not going to change her mind" and "why is it that you can't see when very smart people can?
" yada yada yada.
you probably can imagine.. it makes me so depressed.
You can't be who you're not, and it's not fair for her to expect you to be. She would cry persecution from an unbelieving spouse if you pressured her like she does you. Stop going. Reclaim your own life and autonomy. Be respectful of her right to worship and ask for the same in return.
The Watchtower are Right About Blood...
by cofty in... but, they fail to take note of one important detail.. i believe that if we are going to have any chance of reasoning with a jw about blood, this is the place we need to begin.. don't try to convince them that it was only a dietary law.
it wasn't, and they will never go along with it.. don't tell them that saving a life is more important than obeying a law, even a seemingly trivial one.
they take pride in obedience.
Wow, Fisherman just proved what an imbecile he is. He just bumped an old thread to argue with Cofty, lol. Somebody didn't get a hug from mom today before going down to the basement after breakfast and is looking for a fight. Unbelievable.
The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Britain, the Jehovah’s W. charity, increased its voluntary income by 69 per cent in real terms.
by no password in
growth of fundraised income at top 100 charities 'lowest in six years'.
23 march 2017 by rebecca cooney , be the first to comment.
I don't claim to have traceable facts, but it was mentioned on a JW Podcast that in Australia they started funneling donations out of the country so they couldn't be touched. I believe it was to the UK branch. Might explain some things.
Is time moving faster?
by Fisherman indo you get the feeling that time is moving faster?
what do you think?.
Our opinions don't matter. Only "facts" matter. What does the Bible say? Surely there's a legal case somewhere we can quote partially from that will set us straight. As I've learned from the OP and his buddy, that's all that matters, lol.
Time doesn't move faster, only our perception of it.
Cold Steel, I'm sorry about your friend. I hope that I can learn what it takes to live those last 20 years with as much dignity and joy as possible. Of course, I'm sure Armageddon will be here by then and wipe me out as the dirty apostate that I am, along with everyone in this thread, so we won't have to worry about it.
You will soon be reinstated as one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
by googleTTATT inmy dad told me this today..
LMAO @ Darkknight. I believe you're correct.
Blood problems in Italy
by OrphanCrow inin february 2017, the european association of jehovah's witnesses made a "submission to un human rights committee subsequent to the adoption of the list of issues on the sixth periodic report of italy".. the 119th session of the human rights committee is currently underway - the dates are march 6 - march 29.. the wts has been trying to get "intesa" status in italy for decades and this latest submission to the un highlights the problems the jws are encountering in italy concerning the blood taboo.. this link will take you to a downloadable word document that is the wt's submission being considered:.
23676 of 2008: mr grassato (one of jehovah’s witnesses) was unconscious when admitted to the hospital.
I have to say that I might actually agree with RO on this one, though I also agree with OC's input that people should have bodily autonomy but with the caveat being that they're given accurate information. Still, lots of people make medical decisions based on all kinds of quackery available online, and it isn't anyone's responsibility to get accurate information but the person who is undergoing the medical procedure. In my view, this isn't right. You can't put blood in these people that don't want it. If they choose to make stupid decisions and die then that's their right. People do it every day without blood even being involved. If Jehovah's Witnesses choose to be misinformed and choose to bow to a cult and die because of misinformation, that's on them. Governments shouldn't have a say in that, nor should doctors, unless a child is involved, in my opinion. I have no problem with children having transfusions to save their lives despite their parents' views. If the parents want bad things for themselves, that's up to them.