Wow, I'm not surprised that a JW is into this, though I'm surprised on some level that it would be okay. In the end, isn't prayer and The Secret kind of the same thing? Think positive thoughts and Jehovah/the universe/fairies will bring it to you. There is some connection between thinking positively and being able to achieve things, which is obvious, but these things usually go much farther.
I'll be happy for you when you're able to get out and away from this stuff. Time is moving, hopefully you'll be able to as well. I know you love your parents and want what's best for them. I'm sorry that you have to witness their issues on display though. They clearly need help, both of them, real mental and emotional help, not woo designed to make them feel good, but real life changes that are grounded and make them feel good.
I doubt the WT has taken a hard stance on this particular program, though they may have alluded to it at some point. Someone with more research ability can find that. To me the bigger issue is that is shows how impressionable your mom is, and that just honestly makes me sad for her.............and you.